So, now what?

Jan 08, 2011 22:38

Well, your characters are finally in Vertiline, and while they're not allowed to go home, they're certainly not prisoners in the Temple! Those who wish to leave the dining hall are more than welcome to, as there's an entire temple to explore, and a world beyond it as well!

However, you might wonder what they will do when they wish to go to sleep?

In one final burst of magic, Eir sends communicators to all the new Called, wherever they may be. Each one lights up with a note from Fillin and a map, indicating the location of their private abode. Artichoke doors open by touching the communicator to a small bronze disc next to the doors. Inside the pods, Called will find their new faithful companion, a capybara!

Communicator functions can be found in our FAQ and more details about the artichoke homes can be found on our housing and maps page!

More information about the temple and what can be found there can be accessed here and if you have any questions, please feel free to direct them to either Boots (baekhesten) or Mari (RamiahStar) on AIM!
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