Early Evening Rain

Jan 14, 2011 19:24

The winds in the area shift slightly, cloud cover rolling in over the course of the day. Rain starts falling in the jungle early in the afternoon, a light patter of raindrops high in the canopy. It isn't until later in the day that the rainfall finally becomes heavy enough to penetrate through the leaves and hit the ground. The temple seamstress bustles about, scolding her apprentices and dragging in vats of dying cloth as quickly as she can, before the rain dilutes the mixtures. The smith looks up at the sky once, and then returns to his work, tucked safely inside his forge. What does he care for a little rain?

Here and there, servants scatter, trying to get inside before they get completely drenched. The capybaras--or at least, those capybaras not following their new Called masters and mistresses about--scamper in the rain, leaping into giant puddles with obvious delight, squeaking and chirping at passersby as if to encourage everyone to join them in their play.

A few servants, perhaps allowed out of their work early, trim large leaves off a few low-hanging palm branches, and hold the leaves over their heads, using them as makeshift umbrellas to protect them as they follow a path north from the temple, deeper into the forest.

The jungle seems, if anything, even greener than before, more alive and more vibrant, and it isn't only the capybaras basking in the warm rainfall. High above the bustle below, barely visible from the ground, a tiny figure sits, legs swinging outside a window, bare feet catching the rain.

[OOC: What's this? The weather is changing? Well, of course it is! It can't be sunny all the time! Every now and again, the weather in Vertiline will change, and when it does, we will notify you all here! Enjoy~]


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