update on my life (cuz its soooo important)

Apr 16, 2007 18:13

    sooo, the trip to the (evil) oc was successful, in that no one died.  we were able to leave friday night after work, putting us at jon's mom's house around 6:30ish in the am (did you know there WAS a 6:30 am?) so we went directly to bed. 
    saturday was for hanging out with our mom(s) and dad. sadly, my gramma and grampa were in virginia with my aunt and the new baby so i didn't get to see them. but, the first thing we did saturday was go to billy's and get the best sammiches EVER.  if you are ever in san  clemente go to billy's deli on del mar, they have boars head meats and cheese and they are the BEST.  even after all this time they recognize us when we walk through the door.  they are soo good that we ate there tuesday-thursday too!  saturday night jon, buddy and i went to hollywood to see the pegs play at the viper room.  they were awesome as usual. 
    sunday (easter) we did the family thing, dinner with jon's parents and easter baskets with my mom and his parents (yes, we still get easter baskets, and we love it!).  jon's mom is a fantabulous cook and we all ate waaaay too much. 
    monday we went to hang out with megan and the baby (hes 8 months old, jeeeezus!)  the rest of the week was just hanging out, visiting people, nothing too spectacular. 
    thursday night we got jon's parents and my mom together and went out for sushi.  the whole week we were fielding the "is there gonna be an announcement?"  "are you guys getting married/having a baby?" questions.  geez, why can't our families get together unless we are having a baby/getting married?  and we told both of our parents that we are moving to new mexico in a few years to buy a house.  my mom was mad that we are not going to be living near her, jon's mom was so happy that we will be so close to her that she cried! 
    did i tell you guys that we are moving?  we wanna buy a house and, unfortunately, we won't be able to afford one here for a loooong time so we are going to move to new mexico where we can get 5 bdrm of 3 acres for $360,000.  you can't buy 3 acres here for that much.  then maybe we can move back to good ol' california.
    oh, on the way home from the pegs show, jon was lucky enough to get pulled over and get a SPEEDING TICKET.  one that we cannot afford.  and the court date is 4 days after we get home from amsterdam, as if we aren't taking enough time off of work!  the good thing is that he got the ticket in la so he can do online traffic school, nothing like drinking a beer, shirtless in your jammies doing traffic school! 
    i love visiting family, mine (like some of yours) cannot let anyone leave without giving them something.  i don't know why but now i'm doing it too.  my mom gave us her (old) big tv since she got a new (little) one.  the only thing wrong with it is that the internal speakers don't work, no big deal, we can just hook it up to our stereo like i had set it up at her house, right?  wrong.  we got it home and it worked that way for a whole 2 hours and now it doesn't work.  well, kinda.  when we play movies in the dvd player it works, but when we watch normal tv it doesn't.  i'm going to call a tv repair place and see if its even worth it to take it in.  if not, i will take the damn thing apart myself and see if i can't fix it before we toss it.  usually i can (somehow) manage to fix things that i know nothing about, it worked with my old record player (until  someone knocked over my bookshelf onto it).  the great thing about having another tv is that the one that was in the living room is now in the 2nd bedroom so i can watch my white-trash talkshow/court shows/ridiculous  reality shows while i'm sewing/knitting/on the computer!  yay!
    in the same fashion jon's mom gave us her vacuum since they had 2. we had a vacuum but it sucked (hahah, no really) and you would have to vacuum the living room 5 times before you noticed a difference.  we were vacuuming a few times a week and you couldn't tell we owned a damn vacuum.  yay for a proper vacuum, i was getting worried we'd have to shave luna, and she is waaaaaay too pretty to shave.  the only way i would have her shaved is if she got too hot for her health.  so yay, now you can walk around in our house without kicking up tons of cat hair and getting crumbs and litter stuck to your feet! 
    the only thing i do not like about going on vacation is coming home to an empty fridge.  we need to replenish the moneys supply before we can take a proper trip to the market and there is nothing to eat here.  i think i'm going to get chinese for diner, cheap, and yummy.
    so now i just have to wait for the passports to come in, make myself some new spring clothes for the trip, and pack to go to AMSTERDAM!  woot.  oooh and get my shifts covered at work.  damn not having enough people right now to cover for me, hopefully the new hires will step up to the plate, they are the newbs after all!

us in dana point

the Rhineys

my sexy man

note the beer in his hand

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