In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Not strip for free anymore.
Get your resolution here So, now that that is settled on to more interesting topics.
Pat Robertson is a psycho. He proclaimed that Ariel Sharron is dying because of God's will, because pulling out of Gaza was against God's divine whim. Hrm... I was thinking Ariel Sharron is dying because he is 77 years old and in poor health. That would be a more logical explanation. Pat Robertson was never known for his logical thinking though.
Now what else was I going to go off about. Oh right, the world is coming to an end. Not because the majority of the people on it are wicked or anything, but because we've gotten to the point were Pat Robertson and people of his ilk are considered people we should spend time listening to. Hell, we have a Robertsonianesque person in charge of our country for christ sake, if that's not proof of the end times, I don't know what is. I became a little suspicious of all this when Cheetos won out in the great cheese ball wars of the early 90's. You see why the world is coming to an end. I'll wager that several people who might read this will just look at the cheese ball statement and agree. That my friends is why. It is because of the cheese balls. You know it, I know it, we all know it. And in 30 million years, or so, the same crap will happen all over again when the birds evolve into human like critters. The same crap. All over again.
That is all.