Dec 08, 2004 17:42
I wrote my 3 exam today and am pretty much finished. I have one exam left on the 17th but that is off in the distance a little bit. I'm pretty satisfied with this semester. The exam I wrote today I made a 91 on so that kicks ass. As far as my other courses, there is no word back on how I'm doing. My bf came over last night and helped me study until 1am. I am so appreciative of him, while I read he studied his own stuff and then at 12:30 he flipped through my notes and book and quized me on it. It helped tremendously so I am very thankful to him. Currently I am suffering through the Christmas gift buying fiasco. I have already purchased gifts for my mom, step mom and sister. Still left are my dad, step dad, brother, aunt (drew her name, Janine and bf. I am a alittle nervous about my bf's gift because we haven't been together all that long, just about a month. So anyone who has any suggestions or has made it through a similar situation, your advice would be much appreciated. Tomorrow is back to full time work at the lab and I'm looking forward to it. I love my job there and have been somewhat distressed over not being able to give it as much attention as I would have liked. However tomorrow, and through out the rest of Christmas break I should be able to remedy that. I think that our labs Christmas party is going to be this friday, we are going for lunch and then either mini golf or bowling so that should be a blast. I bought myself two new dvds the other day, Love Actually and American History X. The more I think about Christmas and my bf I lean toward maybe two dvd's and a t-shirt. Like perhaps fight club and snatch and an american eagle t-shirt...hmmmmm. I guess only time will tell. Tera and Jaimie have broken up and as far as I know he's moving out Jan 1. So it will be just Tera and I and a the baby. I'm beginning to really look forward to this baby, more and more every day. It's going to be an interesting year, no doubt.