Dec 03, 2004 15:36
well another semester is almost over and I can't even begin to explain what a different place I am in now as compared to when I started this school year off. I have found a new born dedication to my work, school and the lab. I have also found a new excitement about research, and that may change my career path emmensely. I am in a "relationship" that I feel positive about which is a new thing for me. After living with someone, it is so great to go back to something just simple and enjoyable. I've actually been in such a good mood lately that I have really wanted to begin playing the piano again...even after all these years...I still feel the urge to start playing again. So until I can scratch up the money for a new keyboard I have been doing some yoga. The latter I have discovered is VERY difficult, and even more so difficult when attempting to do it in a confined space. Anywho I shall manage. Its coming up on christmas...time for christmas cards!