Sleepy time.

Mar 05, 2007 01:18

Okay, I'm going to bed in a minute after I dry my hair. I have a doc appointment at 11, which means I need to be up at 9:30 and leave her by 10. Stupid traffic. Nothing big happened this weekend except my dumbass mother. Seriously, what the hell is her problem? She's now saying that her refusing to take me to work last year hasn't hindered me. Sure, right. People call, ask about how I was as a worker, and I'm now known as the person that walked off the job. Good reference that's not. Nevermind I didn't want to do that. But I was honest with job interview lady. Mama was talking my godmom and brought up the fact my stepsister Angela could do it, so I should just suck it up and deal. This coming from the woman that was fired from nearly every job she had for coming to work drunk. What do I know? Apparently nothing. So my godmom got pissed off and just tore into her. Go her. Someone needed to.

I want to end the day on a good note so a rec for SGA fans.

A Muppet Fetish isn't a sign of Good Moral Character by princess_bunny. McKay/Sheppard, Lorne/Parrish. Lots of crack. Huge amounts of it. Tickled me pink (and it wasn't Lorne that did it, either. Though, steal his toy...well, I'd rather not imagine that bloody battle.) and then some.

fandom: recs, family: issues

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