Stargate & Dr. Who Mini-marathons on Skiffy

Mar 06, 2007 00:20

This is mostly for me, but I thought I'd share it with y'all, too. March and April's schedule.

Stargate: SG-1 Mini-marathons

Monday, March 12
Stargate SG-1 (Seasons 1-5)
8:00: Prisoners
9:00: Gamekeeper
10:00: Need
11:00: Thor's Chariot
12:00: Message In A Bottle
1:00: Family
2:00: Secrets
3:00: Bane

Friday, April 13
Stargate SG-1
8:00 - 3:00: Unlisted as yet.

Stargate: Atlantis Mini-marathons

Thursday, March 15
Stargate Atlantis (Season 1)
8:00: Home
9:00: The Storm
10:00: The Eye
11:00: The Defiant One
12:00: Letters From Pegasus
1:00: The Gift
2:00: The Siege, Part I
3:00: The Siege, Part II

Thursday, April 12
Stargate Atlantis
8:00 - 3:00: Unlisted as yet.

Monday, April 30
Stargate Atlantis
8:00 - 3:00: Unlisted as yet.

Dr. Who Mini-marathons

Tuesday, March 27
Dr. Who
8:30: The Empty Child, Part I
9:30: The Doctor Dances, Part II
10:30: Boomtown
11:30: Bad Wolf, Part I
12:30: The Parting of the Ways, Part II
1:30: Christmas Invasion
3:00: New Earth

Friday, April 17
Dr. Who
8:00 - 3:00: Unlisted as yet.

tv: sg-1, tv: sga, tv: dr. who

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