Nov 17, 2006 00:46
Before I go to bed, I'll give a little list of updates the past couple days.
- First off, Snape died yesterday. That leaves me with one gerbil left. I'm undecided if I'll get a hamster tomorrow or not. I don't have a lot of contact with them, but that's totally true. CC got a lot, but Snape had a tendency to bite me most of the time. Not really a nice reason to hold him. We'll see if I get one.
- I spent last night with my aunt. It was raining so hard I didn't take the laptop, so I took some books to reread. That'd be two and three-fourths. Harlequin ones I had laying around. I have about 40 books sitting around that I reread when I get very bored and have reread the ones on my bookshelf (except for the SVH ones, which I haven't been in the mood for). I had trouble laying down last night, so I was up until 3. Woke up when my aunt called me, but otherwise had some CRAZY ASS dream. Damn heart needs to stop bleeding into my dreams. And no, I won't explain that. Woke up at 11. Well, that's not true. I was up at 8 to see if my uncle had left (he sleeps in his car idea why) left, then at 10 to give my aunt something to drink to take her meds. I slept so fitfully that I was still half asleep until 1. Got home about 6:30. Aunt was up and moving around a bit. I'll go back mid-next week to give my mom a break. Family functions and my godmom's eye doctor until then.
- Got my test results back. High cholestoral (gee, wonder why?) but otherwise good. I was expecting a very high A1C to match, and it was SO good. 5.9. That's like average for a person who is a non-diabetic. Woohoo. I'll try a better eating habits before taking the meds (I can't afford anymore right now).
Now, I go to bed after I dry my hair. I have to meet my dad tomorrow. Apparently the state is a bunch of idiots and have the wrong SSN on file. Morons. Get that done and settled. But now is bed. Long day tomorrow.
real life: dreams,
family: aunt,
critters: gerbils,