V's VD!! Choose Your Own Adventure! Part TWO!!

Feb 09, 2011 21:21

RAYE WINS, despite an IM vote from Thalia.

Also, there are a few spoilers for Curveball. Nothing major.

Darien tucked the Ipad into his bag and turned to face Raye. “Sell me.”

“You don’t even want to hear my idea?” Mina pouted.

“Does it have more than three steps?”


“Does it require impeccable timing, thus if one step is off by a single minute, the whole thing blows up in shitstorm?”

“It could--”

“Do I have to keep my clothes on the entire time and not touch my wife?”

Her expression admitted defeat. “Yes.”

“No deal. Save it for Kevin.”

“He already has a nude portrait of me. I did it with a mirror. Jesse helped.”

Briefly, he wondered where they kept that particular masterpiece, and then decided that he didn’t really want to know; she’d been in an expressionist-abstract period for the last few months, and he really didn’t want to try and figure out which blur of color was a nipple. “Like I said,” Darien said, turning back to Raye. “Sell it to me. It better be good.”


After meeting with a nervous, Xanax-addicted teenaged pop star and his overbearing stage mother, Darien rushed to his car and pulled out his phone. Three rings. Four. “Pick up, dammit!”


“Makoto? You have a minute?”

“For you, anything.”

That small endearment seemed to melt him like butter on fresh popcorn. “Are you sure you’re not busy breastfeeding or something?”

Her voice went dark. “You know, babies do other things besides breastfeed.”

“Yes, but nothing else makes me think of your breasts. I need reasons.”

“You know, you’re calling me for a favor.”

“Yes. Raye says you are the proud owner of a chocolate fountain?”

“At the shop. The pump is broken, though. I’ve been meaning to have Noah look at it, but we haven’t needed to use it since Mina’s gallery opening.”

“Shit!” He put a hand to his forehead and tried willing his headache away. That particular part of Raye’s grand plan was genius: Serena was unintentionally hyper-sexy when she was eating any kind of chocolate, whether it was a Knipschildt La Madeline au Trauffe or melted Raisinets from the bottom of her purse. Probably a combination of the rapturous expression that would appear on her face when she bit into the confections, or the way she would lick her fingers afterward. Innocence and sensuality: just two of her qualities that drove him absolutely batshit with desire.

“He’ll be at the shop in about about an hour, if you want to try and catch him. He could probably fix it for you.”

Hope returned: his handy friend could fix, patch, mend, debug, restore, refurbish, tune up, duct tape or MacGuyver practically anything. If Noah couldn’t fix it, its condition was probably terminal.

Then again, Noah had been running on less than four hours of sleep a night and espresso shots since Anna had been born. Three months of sleep deprivation made for lots of missed free throws.

“An hour?”

“Yes. I asked him to stop by and get some papers for me.”

“Argh.” The car stopped at a red light; he knew there was a Dean and Deluca a few blocks over. He could try them to see if they carried chocolate fountains, or at the very least, a double boiler or a goddamn saucepan and Pyrex bowl. However, a saucepan and Pyrex bowl was about as sexy as Pajama Jeans underneath a Snuggie, but he was pretty sure he bought the stupid fountain there for Makoto in the first place. Plus, an extra box or two of truffles wouldn’t hurt, and some champagne.

Or he could put his faith in his sleep-deprived friend and see if he could fix the fountain. In that case, he had an hour to kill, and his driver could get him to Harry Winston. It wasn’t a Graff, but it would satisfy her affection for the sparklies, and buy him bonus points in case Raye’s plans ended up sucking.

So...what does he choose?

A) Dean and Deluca...stock up on chocolates and champagne, perhaps a brand new fountain, maybe run into a familiar face? Let Noah sleep for Godsakes.

B) Put his faith in Noah, buy diamonds for Serena in the meantime.

C) Suggestion box! Give me a better idea, because lord know I need help!

AND for the curious, you got the jist of Mina's proposal, but it would have involved Darien running over town collecting rare art supplies, with Jesse in tow. At the last minute, Jesse gets a call from a hot/cold love interest, and Darien can't let him be alone on Valentine's Day. He releases him from service, and then kicks a trash can in frustration. Something meows inside, and Darien digs through the trash and finds a tiny, scared, skinny gray kitty (not Granite) inside, half-buried in trash. He takes her home, cleans her up and gives her some of Luna's cat food, and Serena comes home and OMG KITTY!!!! followed by sex. And then she cuddles the kitten again.

choose your own adventure, v's vd, economics

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