Leigh!fic | Humpathon 2014

Nov 08, 2014 22:38

Title: Humpathon 2014
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Rating: PG-13 through NC-17
Word Count: Between 100 and 600
Summary: Four smutty drabbles for your reading pleasure.
Author's Notes: Here be my drabbles for hp_humpdrabbles' Humpathon 2014. It ran for a month, and I managed four drabbles. My lowest output in five years, but things were busy. I'm just glad I managed four. :)

Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson (NC-17) for lightofdaye
Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson (PG-13) for tamlane
Percy Weasley/Pansy Parkinson (PG-13) for elle_blessing
Teddy Lupin/Lily Luna Potter (PG-13) for elle_blessing

Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson (NC-17)
Prompt: Threesome
Word Count: 497

"Watch me."

Whispered words in the candlelight, three sets of hands touching and caressing. Two pairs of lips took turns kissing the flushed brunette spread out on the bed; one kiss from a set of masculine lips, his stubble teasing her as it rubbed against her skin. The other from a pair of lips as soft and feminine as her own, accompanied by touches from equally soft hands that ran up and down her sides.

Pansy shivered and arched beneath her lovers. She craved this; two sets of eyes on her as she lost herself to lust. The night air was cool against her fevered skin. A hand -- Harry's hand; the callouses gave him away -- caressed one breast, then another, teasing her nipples into little peaks.

That hand drifted between her legs and pushed two fingers into her waiting sex. Pansy gasped and rocked her hips in time to his teasing touch. She loved it when he touched her like this, his hand between her legs as he played her as easily as a fiddle.

His touch stilled, and she opened her eyes. Harry's hand was still inside of her, but he was kissing Daphne; the pair of them on their knees as they kissed and fondled one another. Her hand stroked him to full hardness as Pansy watched. His other hand brushed her blonde hair back from her face, and her cheeks were tinged pink from desire.

A pout tugged at her lips. That would not do at all.

Sliding into a seated position, Pansy effortlessly maneuvered herself between them. With a coy smile, she kissed Daphne; her hands moving over her fellow Slytherin's breasts -- Daphne's weakness -- as her lips trailed kisses up and down her neck. Daphne moaned, and her hand fell away from Harry.

Pansy's coy smiled turned triumphant, and she pulled back. "Watch me," she murmured, tweaking Daphne's nipple for good measure.

Satisfied with herself, she placed one hand on Harry's chest and pushed him until he was flat on his back. Harry's hands grasped at the sheets, forearms taut with tension when Pansy swung her leg over his hip and mounted him. A sigh of pleasure slipped from her lips as that familiar cock filled her.

She had him first. She would have him last. She always got what she wanted.

Daphne's eyes watched her hungrily as she lifted herself up with her thighs, then sank back down onto him with a moan. Pansy could feel them as keenly as she did Harry's hands, which had moved to her hips. The other woman wouldn't touch either of them -- not yet; Daphne knew the rules -- but already, Pansy's body ached to feel both of her lovers' hands on her porcelain skin.

Two women climaxed almost in unison; one at Harry's hand, the other at her own. And when Pansy opened her eyes to find both Daphne and Harry watching her hungrily, she felt her lust begin anew.

She loved being the center of attention.

Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson (PG-13)
Prompt: Accidental sex
Word Count: ~500

It was the tequila.

That was what Pansy was telling herself. It wasn't the heated nightclub; bodies packed in so tightly it was impossible to move without touching at least four other people. It wasn't the flashing lights, the beating music, the sweat trickling down her neck and between her breasts. It had to have been the tequila.

Really, it was the only explanation as to why Pansy Parkinson had pushed Neville Longbottom into the tiny loo, locking the door behind her as she hitched her dress up. He wasn't the normal sort of bloke she liked fucking. She liked them tall, dark, handsome, with a side of trust funds. She did not fancy do-gooder Gryffindors with bad teeth and chubby baby faces.

(Never mind he'd since fixed his teeth and had shed said baby fat. That wasn't the point at all).

It was an accident. An accident of touch; his hands on her hips, pulling her tight against him as their hips moved as one to the beat of the music. Had he seen her face? She didn't know -- and she didn't care when he pushed his lips to her neck and kissed her there, his tongue darting out to lick the sweat from her skin.

So maybe it was less the tequila and more her hormones. They were the reason she'd pushed him against the wall and jerked his shirt out from his denims, her lips leaving a smear of red lipstick on his face as he returned fierce kiss for kiss. She opened his belt and reached her hand inside his trousers, wrapping her fingers around his erection and stroking.

Neville groaned against her mouth. Reaching for her hips, he tugged her dress up to expose black lacy knickers. His hands weren't gentle; one hand grasping her wrist pinning it to the wall while his other jerked her knickers to the side. Pansy felt a flutter of anticipation as the cooler air hit her heated sex.

And then he was inside of her, stretching her until she wasn't sure she could take him in. Pansy moaned and rolled her hips against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. The wall dug into her back, and she was sure she'd have bruises between her thighs from where Neville's hips pushed against hers.

She wasn't sure she cared.

When Pansy climaxed, she did so with a scream, her nails pressing half-moon indentions in his neck. It was raw and primal, leaving her breathless in its wake. She felt her lover shudder and moan against her, thrusting a few more times into her before he spent himself in her body.

It was the tequila, she reminded herself as they awkwardly disentangled from each other. That was all it had been, she thought, moving her knickers back into place and tugging her dress down so she was halfway decent. It wasn't anything other than drunken attraction.

But she couldn't help but take a second look at him as she slipped out of loo and into the corridor, ignoring the huffs of other women waiting for the toilet.

Maybe another drink wouldn't kill her...

Percy Weasley/Pansy Parkinson (PG-13)
Prompt: Anybody could be good to you, you need a bad girl to blow your mind
Word Count: 550

Percy Weasley was perfectly respectable, thank you very much. He worked a steady nine to five job at the Ministry, and despite his... misplaced loyalties during the Second Wizarding War, was making quite a name for himself as he rose through the ranks. He had tea with the Minister every second Thursday of the month, never missed Sunday supper at the Burrow, and his robes were always pressed to perfection.

He did not have romantic liaisons in Ministry lifts. Which was the main reason he was so surprised to find himself pushed against the wall, and a pair of soft, plump lips pressed against his own.

"Miss -- Miss Parkinson!" he sputtered, placing his hands on her shoulders and moving her body an appropriate, arms length distance away from his. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

Pansy Parkinson, the Minister's personal assistant, just smiled coyly at him. "You're an intelligent man, Mr. Weasley. I'd think it was fairly obvious."

He blinked owlishly at her behind his glasses, his mouth slightly agape. He'd never given much thought to the Minister's assistant, other than the times he noticed outfits that very much violated Ministry dress protocols. Tight pencil skirts, low cut blouses, heels that better resembled ice picks. The Minister swore she was good at her job, so Percy hadn't said anymore. But this? This could not be ignored!

"The only thing that's fairly obvious is just how inappropriate this all is!" He pushed his glasses back up his nose and gave her his most stern face. "I cannot let this go unreported, Miss Parkinson."

"Oh?" She didn't seem cowed at the prospect of potentially -- likely -- being sacked for sexual harassment. "And why ever not? We could have quite a bit of fun together. In fact..." she reached out and pressed the 'emergency stop' button, and her coy smile turned predatory when she looked back at him, "we have at least five minutes before anyone notices."

He made a slightly strangled sound, shaking his head. "You've gone mad, Miss Parkinson. I -- that is, a man in my position..." he trailed off and tried not to look at her chest. She'd crossed her arms, pushing up plump breasts that his eyes just couldn't help but be drawn to. "I don't like you."

Her lips curled in a mock pout, and she stepped closer. The tip of one finger, painted a deep red, ran over his chest, and Percy felt his skin jump and shiver in reaction. "Don't hurt my feelings, Mr. Weasley. Am I not a good enough girl for you?"

"Yes. Er, I mean, no. That is --" he coughed, cheeks coloring as he glanced from side to side, looking for a possible escape route. Any possible escape route.

"Oh good. Good girls are so boring." She took one step closer, pressing her soft curves against his body. Leaning in, she pressed a kiss to his ear and whispered, "You need a bad girl to blow your mind."

Oh gods. Whatever Willpower Percy had had not five minutes prior evaporated. He was just a man, after all. And when Miss Parkinson sank to her knees in front of him and ducked her head under his robes, he knew his 'perfectly respectable' life would never be the same.

Teddy Lupin/Lily Luna Potter (PG-13)
Prompt: Seduction isn't making someone do what they don't want to do...
Word Count: 540

Lily Luna had had enough.

She'd had enough of lingering glances across a dining rooms. She'd had enough of watching him watch her, his hand on the small of her back when he led her into a room. The way his gaze was drawn to her chest and arse when he thought she wasn't looking.

Despite her long-standing crush on Teddy Lupin, she'd never acted upon it. Teddy was Victoire's; always had been, always would be. Until the day he wasn't anymore, and Victoire was suddenly cozy with Conner Branstone. Lily had waited for Teddy to move past his heartache, for him to notice her. And notice he had, as if he'd awoken from a fog and noticed that she'd hit puberty sometime in the past five years.

She had breasts. She wasn't afraid to use them.

And then... nothing. Eight months of nothing. Teddy watched her. Lily was certain of that. She'd caught him on more than one occasion, ogling her ample cleavage. He always looked, but he never acted.

Lily was bloody tired of it.

The sound of the deadbolt sliding shut behind her was loud in the small broom cupboard. A dim light shone above them, but even in the darkness, she could see the way he watched her; blue eyes wide, he tried to back away from her only to be stopped by a shelf of cleaning products.

"Lils, what are you doing?" he asked when she moved forward, stopping just shy of him.

She tilted her head to the side and studied him, a predatory gleam in her dark brown eyes. Her lips curled. "What do you think I'm doing, Teddy?" Her voice was a rasp in the shadows, and she reached out to run a hand down his chest. She could feel his rapid heartbeat, the heat of his skin through her shirt, and it made her own heart race.

Teddy swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "You're -- you're trying to make me do something I don't want to do. Something I can't do," he added, inhaling sharply when she raked a nail over his nipple.

Her gaze flickered to meet his. "That's not what seduction is," she murmured. Moving closer, she pressed her body against his. "It's enticing someone into doing what they secretly want to do already." Her words were spoken boldly, but her knees were trembling. Teddy's body was responding to hers; she could feel his hardness pressed against her belly, and she let herself imagine what it would feel like to feel his bare skin against hers.

Desire pooled low in her stomach, and her lips curled. "I'm not a child, Teddy. I'm not your sister. You want me."

She could see the struggle in his eyes. When his hands reached for her waist, she nearly sagged against him in relief. "Is that a question?" he queried. One hand slowly trailed up her side to tease at the side of her breast, pulling a whimper from her lips.

Fuck it. "It's the truth," she murmured, surging against him for a kiss. She would have Teddy Lupin, finally, when his hand cupped her breast and his other hand pulled her flush against him.

Moral dilemmas be damned.

pairing: teddy/lily luna, character: daphne greengrass, character: lily luna potter, character: teddy lupin, character: neville longbottom, threesome: daphne/harry/pansy, character: harry potter, leigh!fic, character: pansy parkinson, community: hp_humpdrabbles, character: percy weasley, pairing: percy/pansy, pairing: neville/pansy

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