
Aug 02, 2006 03:49

If anyone had asked me a week ago if I thought Jenny Calender would be in my home after I rescued her from an evil vicious vampire I would have thought they had gone mad. Just hours ago I did just that. I braved the most vicious vampire of all time to save the woman I love without a second thought and I lived to tell about it. I look at my ( Read more... )

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techno_pagan August 2 2006, 09:29:13 UTC
All of this was so surreal, only yesterday morning; I’d told him I loved him, the chiasm of betrayal, dividing us, for what I’d figured would be an eternity.

Here I sat, scantily clad as he took care of me. “No, Dr. Giles,” I teased, attempting not to wince in pain, but my body betrayed me.

“Well, it doesn’t hurt as bad as it looks. And food well, that would be great.” I smiled looking up at him.

“You look tired, England, everything will be okay, we’ll get through this, we always do.”

Lifting my hand, fingers curling toward the palm, my index finger, crooked and straightening in a ‘come hither motion,’ quietly I whispered,

“Kiss me alive, again.”


frisky_watcher August 2 2006, 09:41:27 UTC
When did this woman become such a seductress? Dear Lord she will be the end of me. "And if I...oh bloody hell." I try to resist, to tend to her needs and all I long to do is love her, kiss her, allow my body to melt together with hers.

I lean in, longing to kiss her passionatly, yet resisting. I kiss her gently, my lips pressing to hers as my fingers tangle within her hair. I pull back just enough to speak moments into the kiss. "I..I don't wish to take advantage of you."

There it was, the one fear that still lie unspoken within me. I feared that if I gave into what she wanted it would only be me taking advantage of her fragile state. If I am to protect her I mustent give into my desires just yet.


techno_pagan August 2 2006, 09:48:14 UTC
“Oh, yeah, I .. I understand, Rupert.” A deep warm blush flooding my cheeks, and I turn my head away.

“How about some coffee or tea,” I say lightly, hoping the moment will pass, and it does.

“Food will be here soon, and I should go check on my clothes, after all it is light out and then I should be on my way.”

“Would you be a dear and make it while I go change?” It hadn’t occurred to me that wearing his clothes would be inappropriate, but for him, it was and yet again, I done it.

“Good going, Jenny,” I uttered under my breath, and went to the bathroom to change.


frisky_watcher August 2 2006, 09:54:05 UTC
I stopped her, she wasn't going to run. "Stop Jenny." I say worried. "Don't do this. Please allow me to care for you, and the clothes you have on are just fine for now." I explain.

I guide her back to the front. "Please." I beg once more.


techno_pagan August 2 2006, 10:02:15 UTC
Stopping I search his face looking for answers. “I don’t know what you want Rupert. I’m tired, and this cat and mouse …” Sighing I sit down.

“You send me such mixed signals, I just don’t know anymore. Tell me what you want? I’m not a dog; I can take care of myself, if that’s what you’re worried about. Don’t feel sorry for me.”

I’d figured everything wrong, he’d forgiven me and that was what was important.

“All I wanted was for us was to be okay, I guess that’s all I have the right to ask.”


frisky_watcher August 3 2006, 03:33:19 UTC
May God forgive me for what I am about to do...and pray I am not out of line. I pull her back to me, my lips pressing firmly to hers as I kiss her with all the passion I have held back before. While I deepen the kiss I wrap my arms around her, the feeling of her body in my arms taking control over me like no other time before.

I finally pull back, if only to catch my breath and look her in the eyes. "What does that tell you?" I finally ask, my eyes looking down expecting to feel her hand slapping my face. "I just do not ever wish to be the one to take advantage of you. What you have been through...I just want you to know you are safe. As for my taking care of you, sorry, that isn't an option." I say with a wicked grin. "I am not letting you out of my sight, not until Angelus is dead...or rather dust."


techno_pagan August 3 2006, 04:21:22 UTC
Breathless, I stand there reeling, “it tells me everything, and well if anyone is going to give me orders, I’m glad it’s you!” Lowering my lashes, I attempt an innocent smile, “and what if he’s dusted tomorrow and I don’t want to go?”

One arm slips around his neck, “Wow, where have you been hiding the real Rupert Giles? Giggling, my tongue flickers out, moving over his bottom lip. “We’ve wasted too much time, already.”

At that moment, the doorbell rang, signaling food. “If it isn’t demons, it’s something.” I sigh. Some things would never change in Sunnydale.


frisky_watcher August 3 2006, 04:52:14 UTC
I chuckle. "Yes, but in this instance it is important." I say as I walk to the door and open it. A young man stands there looking less than thrilled and ready to just leave. I take the large bags of food and pay him ushering him off just before closing the door.

"I didn't know what you wanted, so I believe I ordered just about everything." I explain as I set each box out on the nearest table.


techno_pagan August 3 2006, 05:05:15 UTC
Smiling up at him, my palm strokes his cheek, “you think of everything don’t you?” In a smaller container, I find some fruit, and I have to hold in a chuckle, so close to my fantasy, and I can’t resist. “Open, please,” my puppy dog eyes begging him to open his mouth, and on command he does so.

I pop it into his mouth, resisting the temptation to allow my fingers to stay; instead I begin eating myself the succulent fruit.

“Mmmm, this is wonderful, thank you Rupert,” I mumble, juice spilling down my chin.


frisky_watcher August 5 2006, 19:26:10 UTC
I smile as she places a small piece of cantelope in my mouth. "Thank you Darling" I say in a soft tone as she begins to eat. Noticing the small trail of juice from her own piece of fruit I manage to resist the urge to lean in and kiss it off, but I do use my thumb to gently wipe it away.

"I am pleased you like this." I say a bit relieved she didn't find me insane for going a bit overboard with the food I ordered. Most could be kept and reheated or eaten later, I just didn't wish to have her still hungry.

"Now, as I said before...you must rest, and I am not letting you out of my sight, so you might as well get comfortable." I am a bit shocked by my commanding tone, but I will not lose her, not again...not ever.


techno_pagan August 23 2006, 04:07:27 UTC
Rupert Giles used a tone with me! Normally, I would have teased him, but this wasn’t the time, I did however make a mental note to tease him about it later ( ... )


frisky_watcher August 23 2006, 06:57:40 UTC
I could tell she was going to actually listen to my demands instead of having a witty retort, I would have to make a note to use this tone more often. I was going to say something to her, but the moment she mentioned my seeing her naked all thought, not to mention air and speech left my body. I was at a complete loss, for god only knows how many times that has happened in the time she has been in my home.

"Jenny, dear..I clearly have to believe you have lost your mind..." I said before thinking. "What I mean by that is, I only wish at this time to make you comfortable. I don't wish to take advantage of you." I fear I may have informed her of this many times this even...well now this day, and yet she persists, perhaps she rebounds better than I.


techno_pagan August 23 2006, 07:27:24 UTC
"Jenny, dear..I clearly have to believe you have lost your mind..."What I mean by that is, I only wish at this time to make you comfortable. I don't wish to take advantage of you."Busying myself eating on the fruit, I tried to replay everything that had happened, and not embarrass myself anymore, I always counted on being able to read him and now, I was wrong, he was just taking care of me much as he Buffy, and that was the second time, there wouldn’t be a third one ( ... )


frisky_watcher August 23 2006, 23:01:43 UTC
I rushed to her side. I felt more explaining needed to be done and she needed rest, I was going to kill two birds with one stone here. "Jenny..." I whisper against her ear as I lift her into my arms. "There is nothing more that I would like to do than take you to my bed and make love you you, many times over, however, the thought that I nearly lost you from my life at the hands of Angelus keeps returning to my conscious, I feel as if I can only fail you if I let my guard down."

As I am speaking I carry her to my bedroom, praying I am not out of line, and lay her down gently. "However if you feel you want more, and you want it now, how can I say no to you?" I finally say. I fear that she may question my sanity as I have said so many different things, but alas this is truly how I feel. If she wishes for me to show her my love for her now I will, without further question.


techno_pagan August 24 2006, 02:58:20 UTC
In his arms I felt save, and I snuggled down against him. I guess I hadn’t taken into account how all of this must have affected him, and I felt this soft warm glow rising from my toes.

“Have I told you just how sexy you are Mr. Fuddy Duddy?” I couldn’t help but giggle like a little girl. Pulling on his tie, I tug at it, pulling his head down to mine for a long deep kiss.

Surprised as always by my actions, his hands weren’t quite steady on the bed and he feel on top of me. I rolled with laughter, I’m not quite sure why.

“Don’t you know that I have always and will always want you Rupert Giles? Just knowing you want me as well, is enough, well for now. Hold me while I sleep?” I purred the request in his ear.

So many things had gone wrong, I wanted this right, and wonderful and magical, I’d be his when he was ready, even if I had to push him a little.


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