May 25, 2022 14:50
This is getting depressing. There is simply nothing on the job boards except a couple of horrid jobs with CVS/Walgreens. I just can't face retail again (yet)! Where are the grocery store pharmacy jobs? The hospitals refuse to retrain retail pharmacists for some crazy reason, requiring several years of hospital experience before they will even hire you. I can't even find any of the remote positions that were being advertised so much last year. It's as if the pharmacies have just closed up shop & don't need any more help. I wonder if there's something else I could do that would bring in enough money to pay the damn mortgage ...
On the writing front, it's harder to write when you're depressed. I'm doing good to keep up with the blogs & my little pittance paying articles. I'm spending a lot of time putzing around on the internet or playing video games ... I need to get my butt to the gym and work off some of these emotions but I have zero energy to get out of the house at the moment
that's a good deal?,
reality interferes with my virtual life,
all alone in the moonlight,
half a year up and half a year down