May 09, 2022 11:20
Still nothing on the job front. At least I have a little money coming in from the hospital part time job & my two writing gigs. We're starting up the Xmas plot lines now so the books will be ready to publish by the holidays. Sheesh.
I have been attending a lot of virtual writing webinars & meetings since I'm not working during the week. Of course, I have also been playing some World of Warcraft, though I'm trying to severely limit my play time. Mostly I play with the roomie when he has an hour or two free.
Still no firm publication date for the two anthologies I'll be featured in - I'll post links here once I get something to post. I need to get back to writing some short stories & sending them back out there. I also need to start going to the gym & get myself back into better shape. Sitting here all day on the computer isn't helping ...
I have not been able to get into the unemployment website after a month - I've called them four times and each time they have supposedly sent the request up to their supervisors, but it still blocks me from logging on. I'm going to try again this week...
reality interferes with my virtual life,
why is the rum gone?,
but wait ... there's more!,