So the roomie's car won't start and it's Sunday. I don't mind taking him to and from work today but I hope it's not something crazy expensive that's wrong. The key fob works for locking/unlocking the car but when he tries to push the start button it doesn't recognize the key. He got a new battery for the key lately so that's not it.
Tomorrow starts the
Summer Festival of Writing -- really looking forward to all those classes! Tomorrow is the welcome session then on June 4 we have a mini-course on plotting (June 3 is Memoir Writing which I'm skipping). Since this is a UK-based group, everything starts at a reasonable hour - either 2pm or on Saturday, 9am classes. There's one class that's at 7pm one day - I suppose the lecturer has a day job.
I'm going to have something of a cliffhanger in the novel. One of the villains will get away, leaving an opening for a sequel or series. I'm hoping that's not going to totally turn off an agent or editor. Everything else is totally wrapped up (or will be once I finish writing the last couple of chapters). Well, we'll see...
Oh yeah, and I took one of those online Myers-Briggs test and I am evidently INTJ for whatever value that may be ...