Various Trivial Bits

Feb 27, 2005 10:02

I'm exhausted, so my mind is rambling. I hope I'll be less tired by the time my next work week comes around. Maybe if I'd actually get back into the gym I'd heal up quicker ...

Been watching the usual morning tv fare (normal for me that is) - National Geographic and Discovery channels with the odd History channel thrown in. This morning I learned that a whale's testes weigh a ton. Hey, I never claimed to watch nonsexual science programs! I also like Caesar the Dog Whisperer ... he's a hunk and his show is interesting. The whole idea of "calm, submissive" just makes me grin.

Also been reading some Dublin travel books and (of course) listening to my U2 iPod. I'll be making a trip out to Albuquerque before The Big Vertigo Vacation, and getting my pal B's opinion on some of the tourist stuff in the books. It's always more fun to plan things with someone's help.

Don't get me wrong, I love all four yobbos, even Larry (Aryan-type muscle men who don't like cats just aren't my cuppa, but I'm sure he's nice in person ya know). I'm just not a real groupie. This will only be the second concert I've attended, even though I own all their music, every book ever written about them, and their iPod. I think Bono is the greatest songwriter since Dylan ... maybe even better, now I've listened to the latest album. If only he didn't sing in the Key of Bono so often, but it's OK since Edge always matches whatever note Bono sings and makes it sound good.

Maybe one morning when I'm not so sleepy I'll do an Edge entry. I'm sure I can write a few pages at least! Hell, I can do a whole journal entry on that man's hands alone. I find musician's hands quite sexy, and Edge's are lovely. The rest of him is lovely, too, even his thinning thatch that he thinks nobody will want to look at. Lord, Edge, take off the damn hats, it's not your hair we've fallen in love with!

Well, I need to get some shut-eye so I can function tonight. One more night and I've got some time off to rest. Of course, I need to finish the huge house-cleaning I started after the roomie left ...

reality interferes with my virtual life, four yobbos from dublin who sing a bit

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