Is It March Already?

Mar 04, 2005 08:08

I really hate wintertime. I usually get depressed, but with this gallbladder thing that lasted from the first week of Dec to the first week in Feb, and still evidently not totally recovered from surgery, the damn thing is lasting way too long. At least I've planned a trip to ABQ for the end of the month. Shaking things up usually helps my mood, as does being with old friends.

I've been trying to really clean the house - as in, I've hauled almost all my shit out of the closets and from under the beds and everything, so the place now looks like it's been ransacked. Of course, now I have little or no desire to actually go through and sort said shit into little keep/toss/donate boxes and find homes for whatever I want to keep. The first three days of the week I was really nauseated - no idea if this is a normal result of gallbladder surgery or if I just ate something I really shouldn't have eaten. Needless to say, who feels like cleaning up when they're nauseated?

The real pisser is that when I get really depressed, my writing goes out the window. I just have no creative energy at all, all I want to do is curl up and sleep. So I'm not really sure when I'm going to start posting stories again. Depression sux.

Anyhow, here's a belated meme I saw on several journals:

Ten Things I Have Done That You (Probably) Have Not (In No Particular Order)

1. Flirted with Bob Asprin.

2. Nearly had a boat I was in tipped over by a baby humpback whale.

3. Slogged through a swamp carrying a raccoon in a burlap sack.

4. Had stories accepted to Friction and Best Gay Erotica

5. Been through two hurricanes on the coast.

6. Had swimming parties in a baptismal pool at a Baptist church.

7. Picked cotton.

8. Went to a doctor's office and movie theater with racially segregated areas.

9. Had Vince Neil throw a drink (well, the dregs of one) over me.

10. Gone from SC to Dublin, IRE to see U2 ... OK I haven't gone yet and that's not the whole reason but ...

meme sheep - baaa, the point of an essay is 2 change things

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