Inventory Sucks

Feb 23, 2005 19:49

So here I am, my first week back at work after surgery, and we have inventory Friday. Sheesh.

I'm still not quite back up to snuff but not being in constant pain helps a great deal. The external slices are healing nicely with only a little puckering around the edges, but the inside is still sore especially when I bend the wrong way or forget and lean against something

I'm going to be reading everyone's back-entries this next week or so, catching up on all I missed. Right now it's off to work and see if I can finish getting the store ready for the inventory in time. It's odd being the only person in the house and having to fix all the meals again. The youngest cat is worried ... first the oldest cat vanished, then the roomie ... I can see her wondering if she's next!
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