I'm in a pissy mood, so please bear with me.
My beautiful, precious 3 year old has turned into Super Clingy-Whiney Girl, with the magical power to annoy even the most patient parent. And I, like a sucker, gave into her emotional blackmail. She was threatening to pee on the ground unless I CARRIED her to the potty. Then once there she was there she cried for me to give her toilet paper. I go in expecting the toilet paper to have wandered somewhere, or the potty to be out of toilet paper, but no she was HOLDING THE ROLL, but still wanted me to give it to her. Now she is just a little sobbing puddle o' goo for no discernable reason. GRRRRRRR.
You know, I bet should would be tasty. Am I allowed to eat her?
No. It's not her fault I'm pissy.
"Merlin's" first peice of homework is due tomorrow. "He" has to make a poster of all the things he likes and that are part of his life. "He" can use magazine pictures or drawings or photographs. "He" can even glue ziplock baggies and put little toys and things in them.
Merlin is 5 years old. Grrrr. Well, in true ex-teacher fashion, I've included him as much in this project as I could. I set up a backdrop and had him take pictures of his favorite foods and toys with the digital camera. I went out and got ink and paper for the printer (PLEASE let the printer work!!!!), and after I print it out I'm going to have him help me cut out the pictures and glue them onto the board. Still... I feel like I'm back in bloody college. I never liked making posters.
It's not his fault I'm pissy either. It's not even his teachers. She gave us 2 weeks to do this, it's my own fault I procrastinated until now.
Actually the reason why I'm pissy is I ran across two old "friends" at the park today. They were polite to me and all, but the wall was there. I hate the wall. I could tell when they looked at me there was this awkwardness, like they knew they had to be nice to me, but they were kind of hoping I'd go away. Our kids went to the same mom and babies class. We saw each other for 3 years! We did things together. I used to be included, but they continued on together and stopped inviting me along.
This is one of those little things that just digs into me, because I try SO FREAKING HARD to understand what about me turns people off, but I can never get a handle on it, and no one will ever tell me. Is it my body language? Is it that I do too much of something? Not enough of something? I don't want to be popular... but I would like to be able to hold onto friendships.
Actually it was not so much the one parent, as much as the other. I know she's rich and I'm not, but she has always been dismissive of me. Always. She once invited my son to a birthday party, but then changed the location and didn't call us up to inform us. Merlin was all hyped for a party he never got to attend. I know this was like years ago, but part of me has never forgiven her for that.
I need to give my friend Wendy a call, because I haven't spent enough time with her lately. If I continue like this, I won't have any friends left.
You know why I'm pissy, because I know what I need to do and I don't want to do it. I need to spend less time on LJ. Less time writing. And more time being with the people who are around me. I need to pay more attention to my friends, my children, my house, my husband. I don't want to believe this because I love this so much, but it is an addiction.