Why do people do this? Seriously?

Feb 25, 2009 10:08

AFF.net's Original archives you can find some pretty damn good stories if you are willing to look a round. Like everything else it suffers from Sturgeon's Law: a lot of stories are terribly cliche'd, some have horrendous grammar, some populated entirely with wangsty sues and stus.

But it has two things going for it. Because it's an adults only archive, the average age of the writers tends to be a bit older than other places, which means that most of them have a couple of years of writing under their belts already. The other is that (in the Original section) very few stories are one shots -- most are multi-chaptered fics, which means a better chance of getting an actual plot, and once you do happen on a good fic, you can enjoy following it for a long time. The downside is that many of these will never be completed as their writers give up or lose their inspiration -- but a number do.

With that as the back ground:

Nanowrimo '08 is a terrible title for an original story.

...not entirely sure where this is going...ideas and feedback are welcome :) is an even worse summary.

It's like, why even bother to post up an original story if all you plan on doing is waving a sign saying "Hey, I'm one of the 90%, ignore me!"

meta, comentary, writing

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