Title: Consume Pairing: Gonou/Kanan Rating: PG-13 A/N: Written for the of_the_moon100 challenge "consume." (Yes, I am aware that I have the most unoriginal titles ever.)
Title: Same Plot, Different Shinigami Chapter: 3 Fandom: Yami no Matsuei/Bleach Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: None for YnM. Soul Society Arc for Bleach. Notes: A million "thank you"s to ravenbell for betaing.
I've been feeling bad for posting so much fic in this journal. After all there are people reading this who don't even watch anime. They must be so bored
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Title: If You Give Me Your Hand Fandom: Bleach Pairing: Nanao/Shunsui Rating: G Summary: Their hands tell a story. A/N: This was written for springkink. The prompt was: Shunsui/Nanao: Hands - "I fold myself away"
I'm all depressed and anxious again. Poopy. (I am sooo mature.) Don't worry though, it's not shootmyselfintheheadkthnxby kind of depressed and anxious. Just normal stuff
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