So, I had a whole page of notes compiled during last night's episode of Heroes, "Villains", but I think it can be summarily expressed with
What a beautifully done (beautifully shot, even!) episode that continued not making very much sense! I mean, it drew together a lot of elements and characters from S1 and S3, and explained a TON of shit from the pre-S1 period, and did it in the way of those interweaving storyline films, which I love. The cleverness of these scenes, in fact, sufficiently drew attention away from the fact that they did not (if one assumes a permanent canon in S1, and YMMV on that) make a lot of sense, upon reviewing.
Elle and Bennet. I love the general idea with them being all snarky and PIE and stuff, and I like the way their twisted collaboration on manipulating Gabriel worked out. But based on all previous interactions, AND how Elle hadn't ever had a partner before (right?), I'm pretty sure there's no way they could have been partners. Unless there was some Haitian intervention to make Elle (maybe even Bennet) forget they'd been partnered up before. And I don't see why there would have been. At any rate, I would like to see how we got from the weirdly compassionate "Villains"!Elle to the sociopathic Daddy's Girl S2!Elle, because that would be an interesting progression to say the least >_>
I was worried about the direction they were taking this Gabriel-->Sylar retcon, since I haven't been at all on board with this re-characterizing "Sylar is the unfortunate byproduct of the powers Gabriel has and couldn't help" idea. But I was rather pleased with the progression that I actually saw in THIS episode, or maybe I just liked ZQ's acting. You could see Sylar slowly building up in Gabriel's psyche, in the way he spoke of his powers, especially in his reaction to Elle and the bait she and Bennet brought to him. That was pretty nicely done. Does Sylar even use that finger-'splodey power though? Because seriously, that's pretty cool. I thought it felt a little less like they were trying to push us into believing that Gabriel was this blameless perfect innocent sparklypoo angel who had no hand in his own fall from grace. Because have I mentioned how much I hate that? More crazy badboy Sylar plz.
But anyway, I supposed we're to believe that it was THIS kill that tipped Gabriel over into full-blown Sylar killings, since the first one in the clock shop looks like it just drove him to remorse and a suicide attempt. If that's the case though.. when exactly does he kill Chandra? Presumably, it would have been after he'd embraced his Sylar persona, so it would've been anytime AFTER that scene with Elle and Finger 'Splodey guy. Except that not two minutes after that scene takes place, Mohinder's already in Brooklyn (from that scene where Bennet gets into his cab) even though he wouldn't have been there until a good while after his father's death. Uhh...
Also, going back to Elle and Gabriel. I'm hearing the idea tossed around that she's the mother of little Noahinder. Okay, I'm not having a hard time with Gabriel being shyly attracted to Elle--I mean, he thought she would redeem him, she brought him PIE, she's gorgeous--I'm even okay with the idea that maybe, at some point during this whole cruel charade, there might've been some hanky-panky. At least I can see S2!Elle going through with that the Elle from this episode might've been too principled, I dunno. If that actually resulted in a baby, and it was taken from her, I'd believe it at this point. BUT OH MY GOD SHOW, if you hook up Elle with Sylar in the current timeline after EVERYTHING they've done to each other, including him really trying to kill her and actually killing her precious father, I'm just- that.. DON'T DO THAT, TOO MESSED UP. (I considered for a moment whether this made me a hypocrite, considering my OTP of choice, but then I firmly uphold that Sylar's been adamant about not killing Mohinder, and in spite of all, Mohinder's daddy issues pale in comparison to Elle's. Also: no chance of being canon, so.)
THE PETRELLIS, THE PETRELLIS, HOLY SHIT, THAT FAMILY. I can't even... if there were clear violations of established timelines, I wasn't paying attention. I was just so blown away. Arthur! ANGELA! Linderman wasn't benefiting himself at all by saving Nathan, so he really did want to heal Angela and her fractured memories and pull her out of Stepford hell, for her sake. He loves her SO MUCH. AGAIN, ANGELA! So much Shakespearean drama, that family. Angela is fucking badass and win and Nathan doesn't get to say anything bad about her ever again btw.
Speaking of saving Nathan, as great for drama as it was, I'm not sure I can connect with the idea of Arthur orchestrating the assassination of his son. Not because Nathan's his son, but wasn't Nathan important to The Bigger Plan of S1? I assume Arthur was on board with that plan, and it wasn't all on Angela and Linderman. I could be wrong, but as far as Arthur would've been concerned, Nathan was not the expendable son!
Oh also, there was lots of Nathan and Peter touching :D In formal wear!
Thompson setting Meredith off on her way because he felt sorry for her? Does this mean he was doing this behind the Company's back, or was this as good as an official pardon from Company pursuit? Because if Claire of all people, without resources or connections, could find Meredith not too long after that trainwreck, it should stand to reason that the Company could've found her too. Easily. If they wanted to.
Dude, Utsutu got fridged so hard. That's cold. (Wonder if he really never saw/painted that coming.) How d'you suppose Arthur got all the way out there? Also, how unnecessary was that?
All in all: didn't burden itself with a lot of preservation of established canon, but was still AWESOME as holy hell. S3 Heroes, you can keep not making sense as long as you do it like THIS, kthx.