Tweets for Today

Nov 10, 2008 18:41

  • 19:09 @ raane I.. guess I don't. I mean, in the abstract I do (if that's the word I want) but it seems completely non-partisan to me. #
  • 19:11 @ raane I mean, it'd be like setting out free coffee outside the voting booths by the exit polls. Only it's inside a Starbucks. Unlawful? #
  • 20:13 YES WE FUCKING CAN. #
  • 05:10 This is the angriest I've ever been. #
  • 16:13 @ raane Hey you: What's the feasibility on that? #
  • 17:29 Weird, it still works for me. How about this one--different link, different source, same basic story: #
  • 17:42 @ raane So you figure another amendment is our only shot? (I mean, a civil rights issue for a minority doesn't even belong in majority hands) #
  • 17:48 Also can this at all be legally applied to Court rulings on a state Constitution amendment? #

  • 23:43 @ vladholmes Were promises to share a fruit cup for lunch later exchanged? #
  • 04:53 I knew there was a reason I kept this woman on my flist (besides the awesomesauce). #
  • 12:24 @ raane No idea, it just looked like the same justification that would've been used for keeping civil rights affairs away from voters. #
  • 12:27 @ raane Like segregation and shit. They didn't let the majority have a say in that because they couldn't be trusted with minority rights..? #

  • 20:55 @ raane I think it's more likely it failed partially because the Yes side framed gay marriage as a -change- to what was actually status quo. #
  • 20:56 And CRAP I wish I'd seen Twitter earlier; I'd have LOVED to see you for dinner tonight, I was in such a shitty mood and in SJ at the time... #
  • 20:57 How's tomorrow? Or do you need your study!Friday too much? D: #
  • 11:44 Red hot, off the press, made by the sexy dusty_jack@LJ. GET. #

  • 22:37 @ stuv I wanted to join them once I got out of class. But my protest sign took too long to make :( #
  • 23:03 @ raane ANNE ANNE ANNE WHAT ABOUT THIS: #
  • 23:21 This is the sole good thing to come of the Prop 8 monstrosity: #
  • 00:55 Finally caught up on "True Blood" - HAHAHAHAHAHA OMFG SAM IS "DEAN" XDDDDDDD #
  • 02:03 @ stuv A "Heroes" shout-out re: the "Supernatural" shout-out in "True Blood"?? Too much cross-fandom pollination! #
  • 13:56 @ stuv But then it's not a SPN shout-out at all D: And so a Heroes shout-out would be rendered contextless. ..Aww, I'm sad :( #
  • 13:57 @ vladholmes So what the analysts are saying is true: We need to wait to the Prop 8 supporters to die off. (Well, who wants to wait..) #
  • 13:58 Also, I JUST woke up. At 2pm. Good lord, I'm Toshi O_O #
  • 14:25 @ stuv I didn't mean to sleep in this late! I had.. maybe a little bit to drink and then tipped over on the couch and went to sleep. #
  • 17:35 @ vladholmes Not.. really. They handled that in the courts instead of letting people have the ultimate say in inter-racial marriage, right? #
  • 18:10 @ vladholmes And WHERE IS EVERYBODY? D: Pick up your phones! #

  • 01:44 @ Jason_Wesley Or ["For the children" != valid argument]. I'm thinking of [I got a proposition for you California: suck my dick] for my car. #
  • 10:30 Change: not just lip service :D less than 5 seconds ago from web #

  • 22:49 @ stuv Yeah, I don't.. I can't fathom it.They must've been told gay marriage would take away your right to even -think- ill of homosexuality #
  • 22:50 @ stuv Even though gay marriage was happening since June and cleeeearly it wasn't -making- homophobes like it any more than they already did. #
  • 23:11 Dude, he's not even in the White House yet and already he's the greatest fucking president ever XD #
  • 23:30 @ raane NOOOO BUT YOU'RE ONE DAY AWAY FROM DEADLINE! And your top class percentage standing!! D: #
  • 11:33 LA Times: The Law and Prop 8 #
  • 15:25 Is anyone else besides Anne and I using the Google calendars? We should consolidate or something. #
  • 15:51 @ vladholmes Was there ever any doubt? #
  • 15:58 @ vladholmes You probably have my googley infos too, no? Found yours with Facebook. (I have a personal and class calendar) #
  • 17:30 @ vladholmes Hm, and I'm only getting your class calendar. #


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