Help Find Amy

Jul 16, 2011 00:45

Amy Ahonen is a friend of one of my good friends. She disappeared Friday, July 8th near Golden, Colorado. The day before her birthday. Officials found no leads. We've been having pretty massive (for Colorado) thunderstorms lately, and the river beside her parked car is running high. All of those things we typically take with us wherever we go - keys, wallet, cell phone - were still in her car. She could have fallen victim to an accident or force of nature. She could have been abducted. Nobody knows. In fact, nobody has any CLUE.

What I do know is that Amy is someone's daughter, sister, dear friend. I know that my friend, as all of her near and dear, needs to know what happened. I also know that someone, somewhere, saw her or her vehicle from Highway 6 during an important window of time. I know they're out there. In this day of rapid and interwoven communication, I know, no matter how many degrees separate us, that through the random right channel, we can find that someone.

Please take a moment to visit the Facebook page, Find Amy Ahonen (, follow the Twitter account @FindAmyAhonen, or find more information on the website,

If you or someone you know has any information, please contact the Denver Police Department at 720-913-2000.
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