Crossing the Veil

Apr 07, 2010 15:52

It occurs to me as I begin that Harry Potter 5 changed my outlook on the Veil. Poor Sirius...

Before I run with that lament, let my explain my purpose for my own clarification and understanding (it's amazing how much more difficult those things are when pregnant).

Years ago, probably a little over a decade now, my primary outlet was online roleplaying. This was before the age of the graphic MMORPG when one needed imagination to immerse and creativity to thrive. It was all text-based and user created - no MUDs or their kindred for me (at least not after the big ones started charging). It shaped and molded the writer I would become, provided me with practice and challenge and all those things that burgeoning writers need to expand. Sure, it ruined some sides of me, but that's another story for another time.

Within this forum, I came up with a character who could See beyond the Veil of Grace. I never played her; character creation was one of my favorite things, and I came up with oodles that never saw the world. For all basic purposes, this character was an oracle and a muse. She could look into the space between the mortal and immortal to find answers, and she specialized in inspiring artists with the knowledge she gleaned. The Veil of Grace was, therein, a whisper-thin layer separating dreams from reality and present from future. Without playing this character, I adopted her worldview for the creation of my first writer's blog - this one.

When I acquired a new computer, it had trouble accessing LiveJournal and often dropped my connection just in time for me to hit "post." That nuisance drove me to Blogger for the last two years. Now I find myself squirming and the negativity associated with my readers there (I find it perpetually amazing just how much my associations influence my writing), so I need a new place to freshen up. Some place I don't feel judged or picked apart or flayed by those who love me best.

Unfortunately, returning here doesn't feel like starting anew. While my last post took place somewhen that turned out to be quite positive, I've also moved past the idea of ethereal writing and epiphany for impetus. Perhaps one day I shall combine all my blogs for posterity, but that day is a long way off. For now, I am casting aside this persona and beginning anew - just in time for spring (fashionably late, as always).

For now, I shall keep this journal to be able to post familiarly on friends' posts. When I'm ready for a Big Reveal, I shall post my new venue.

Until then, enjoy the year!
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