
Nov 19, 2007 09:37

Goodness gracious, but it's been nine weeks since my last post! I don't suppose it matters, because likely no one reads this silly thing anymore. But really, I haven't had a need to post.

It's funny. I 'moved' to Colorado on August 1st. I came back to Florida for a 'visit' yesterday, November 18th. (Which makes today my anniversary! Hurray for us! :D) It in no way feels like three and a half months have gone by. One and a half, maybe. And in the two months I'm missing from my perception count, I haven't had a single drop of desire to write. My job on the inventory team at Borders is just that exhausting (at least for someone as out of shape as I am, and as driven to do well...most days...). Now that I sit here in my highly cluttered office at my Home (cluttered because a pipe broke in the apartment upstairs that flooded the closet, which then molded because the AC is apparently not working properly, so everything from the closet is shoved everywhere in the office), however, all I can think is, "Holy heck, woman! What have you been doing with your time??? Where is all that writing you were supposed to be doing? HOW have you NOT written a blasted thing in two months????" Which, of course, I have. I wrote a short script for the hubby's final film project (which lasts from now until April, when he graj-i-ates). That was a new and highly interesting undertaking. I think I did a smashing job for my first go. :) But it doesn't count as "writing," apparently, to my inner sense of duty. It's a hobby, not moving me toward the goal of becoming a published author. Sigh.

Which just means I need to start making time for writing again. Time that ISN'T my lunch break. Time in which I can sit, not worry about the time I'm spending, and immerse myself in Paige's world so I can get the stinking new partial out the door again. Slacker I am! Actually, I've just become more social than ever before...which is also new and interesting. Somewhere along the line, my social anxiety eased off some. I can't even say how loverly that is. :D Of course, I've also discovered that I have trouble talking to people until my brain has built a tiny 3D, fully to scale, inside-and-out version of them inside itself. It's weird. I can actually feel myself adding layers, much the same I do when I write. In fact, I do believe that's WHY I write convincing characters with no problem figuring out what they should be doing or how they should be reacting; I don't write characters, I write people. I just flashed on a beautifully detailed computer metaphor, but I don't feel like exploring it, so I won't. ;) It seems to me like more people have problems with character than plot...or maybe I just like feeling in the minority. Whichever it is, if I could figure out how to plot like a pro, I'd be set!

patterns, characters

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