What Else But HP?

Jul 23, 2007 17:34

I am wavering on the subject of Deathly Hallows. On the one hand, am very greatly happy not to have been disappointed. On the other, somewhat sad to have figured most of it out while reading Half-Blood Prince. It stole a great deal of enjoyment to know it was coming (or at least being mostly sure). And, really, I would have much preferred the story to end at the last chapter. I am none too chuffed with the epilogue, and though it has an absolutely wonderful line, I'd rather have done without.

So, without spoilers, I will say that everyone I loved is dead with one exception. I thought she bumped the writing bar up with this one, and had no problem at all with the vast amount of info in the end, or any elsewhere perceived lack of lead-in. It made me laugh, made me sob, and made me cheer, and though I end with mixed feelings, I think it has more to do with the fact that Harry's journey is done than any fault in the book. :)
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