
Jul 13, 2007 03:12

(That's a startled face in the subject line, just in case ya couldn't tell.)

Great gobs of galleon grease. #___#


I sent a status inquiry to LUNA at the end of June and received a reply today. Although they logged Gryphon's Overture in on January 2nd, they accidentally misplaced it. I'm not upset. I misplace stuff all the time, and I don't have ginormous stacks of similar objects slooshing all over my desk/floor/breathing space. It happens. And the editorial assistant was very apologetic and pleasant about it, so that was nice. :)

Actually, I'm psyched about having the ea's name...because maybe she'll remember me even if she doesn't like this one. She's assistant to Matrice, who's Exec. Editor of, like, half of the entire franchise, so that would be an extraordinarily handy connection to have. Hee. And she said she will give my resub her immediate attention, and I get to address it to her so it *goes* straight to her, and I call that a more than fair trade for a few months of excess waiting. Not pointless at all that way! :D

So I spent...uh...three? hours, I think, rewriting the sucknopsis to go with it. I didn't, way back when, because I loathe them. Because I figured no matter how well I did, it would still suck. And I'm sure at the time, it would have. I've now had enough distance to recognize (sort of) what can be left out. I now have a serviceable (fingers crossed) 7-page detailed synopsis to send out if this one doesn't pan (which I really, really, spectacularly hope it does...even if it takes a freaking long time).

Now, I think I figured out what's wrong with Atlantis, and how I have to fix it. I had a sneaky suspicion about it before, I just didn't want to cut the scene that's messing with it. :T Poor reluctant writer.
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