Out in the World

Jun 06, 2007 20:11

After an incredible number of unforeseeable life circumstances, Gryphon's Overture has been sent in all its fat glory! It is now winging its way to NYC, where it shall sit on a desk and gather dust until the agent in question is ready to read it. (And hopefully she doesn't count against me the fact that it took since months from request to receipt...this has been, I think, the worst six month stretch of my life...)

Today also marks the six-month threshold for the partial at Luna. I don't know the proper ettiquette in enquiring, so I don't dare call or email. I know it wouldn't destroy my chance as long as I'm polite and quick about it, but still. Everyone says to contact the assistant, but I don't know whose assistant, or which. So...no go for me.

I can be patient. No problem.

Fingers crossed, though, that one or the other greatly enjoys it!
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