
May 10, 2007 23:39

Oh. My. Gosh.

I'm dead tired. I can't even summon the energy to be elated. In fact, I'm so weary, I'm upset at the hubby for playing a game instead of answering one measly little question I had.


I'm done. I have one minor poem/oath to write and insert, but otherwise, the book is finished! (Maybe that's why I don't feel elated...it's still got that one dangling bit.)

I'm also annoyed that though I managed to sheer off nearly 3000 words, I ended up adding 2000 to the resolution scene to close up some dangling threads. Augh! Augh! Augh!!!!

It is 703 pages in manuscript format, and 509 in Times New Roman. 154,000 words computer count, 175,000 ms count. O_O


But is DONE! :D

Tomorrow, unless it takes all day to print the thing (which it very well might - my printer is not exactly the most stellar thing out there), I'll be sending it to the agent who requested it way back when. I feel like such a slacker for letting so much get in the way, that it really does detract from the accomplishment of finishing.

Then again, I've never edited much of anything, let alone an entire book!

Paige's story is told.

I'm going to bed.
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