Uh Oh...

Nov 13, 2006 16:41

I just attempted to email the first agent who asked for a partial. I figured since she's usually quick like a bunny, three weeks most likely meant an email snafu occurred. It was to be a simple, "Sorry for any difficulties, here's my new email; let me know if you never received it." I grappled with hotmail to get it to alter my signature and reply-to address, added the new addy to the cc list, and hit send.

It came back undeliverable. Huh?

So I checked her agency's web...and she's no longer listed as an agent. Of course, they don't have a news page so there's nothing to say where she went, if she quit altogether, if something more horrible happened. I checked AgentQuery. She's still listed as part of that agency. I googled her. Nothin'. Checked Publisher's Marketplace. Nada. (Granted, I canceled my subscription a long time ago, so I can't actually check the inner workings of PM, but she doesn't have a page there, at any rate.)

Crap. Now what do I do? Wait to see if she reappears elsewhere? Check her AQ profile every day until it changes? Email the agency? I don't know! :( I also don't know if my email box has been randomly refusing emails, either, since the other agency I queried never got back to me. So she may have sent an update that I just didn't get. Sad me. :*(
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