Little Queries All Around

Dec 01, 2006 19:37

I think maybe I'm going to start decorating the wall beside my computer with my declines and rejections. Then perhaps it will sink in that I'm actually *trying* as opposed to sitting on my duff being a complete lazy lackwit. My brain was stumped for all of November, and I didn't want to so much as see the title of any of my projects. It got so bad, in fact, that I had my first real moment of wondering whether or not I should be doing this. My well of ideas seemed to have dried up, all the ideas I had left seemed dull and stupid, and all I've written is pretty much unmarketable.

And then, suddenly, as November came to a close I got a great surge of new ideas. My dreams filled up with awesome imagery again (had one this morning that would make an awesome reincarnation fantasy), and I found the willpower to work on writing-related stuff again. I spent four hours last night double-checking my spreadsheet of agents and tailoring queries to them. Sent two more equeries and stuffed four hard copies into envelopes, which got dropped in the mailbox today. AND, most importantly, I've decided to submit Gryphon's Overture to LUNA. To an actual PUBLISHING HOUSE. This is a big step. I have always intended to do it, but didn't want to destroy my chances of having an agent convince them they want to buy it. But after a wave of bad luck (one agent with the partial disappeared, and another keeps messing up in cyberspace), I think it's time.

It's a first. It's huge. It's Terrifying. And yet just the idea of doing it makes me giddy. :) It would have been sent this morning, except I have to write a new synopsis for it (new synopses are always necessary, because mine always SUCK, and there's always the hope of improving them...somehow). So, it'll go out Monday. In the words of mizkit, "Squeeee!"
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