
Nov 07, 2006 16:22

I am so utterly unmotivated right now, I can't even properly assess the level to which I've descended. Part of it, I'm sure, has to do with my lack of energy and listless sleepiness. Part of it has to do with a very blah mood the last week or so. I'm trying to lose weight, and the exercise leaves me tired. Christmas looks like it will be yucky. We're rapidly approaching the Time of Doom when everything went super-sucky last year. I've resigned myself (sort of) to the changes I desperately wanted that aren't going to happen (like getting a bigger apartment before next summer). The days just sort of blur together.

And, of course, I had to resend that first query, and haven't heard back yet. Nor have I heard back from the partial I sent via email. Because that first query either went astray in sending, or its reply back didn't go through, I'm now paranoid about the functionality of my hotmail account. I should've at least put a second email address on the query resend, but I didn't think about it until after I'd sent it. Of course. :P

And I don't know what to write. Twilight Falls is giving me total grief. I want to work on Atlantis instead, but...I dunno. I'm stuck on it, I guess. Brain is blah. Mood is blah. Body is blah. What does a blah girl do??
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