Partial Boo

Nov 01, 2006 16:47

Bummer. Just received a form letter rejection from the agency I sent GO to last Friday. It was a total surprise, too, 'cause I was cleaning out my hotmail inbox when it happened. One refresh, and all of a sudden it was just there. Another refresh, and it was gone. Hotmail is screwy sometimes. Form rejections suck. I understand they don't have a lot of time, but...waaaah! I'd rather have them say, "Great dialogue, but doesn't fit our list," rather than the bigger condolence form. They take the time to actually insert the author's name and the title, so they should be able to add an extra sentence, too. :( Although, I totally understand the casual email problem. Don't want to open up an extra reason for people to email you back. Sigh. Stupid people ruin it for everyone.

Now I don't know what to do with myself. I was going to go spend an hour on my NaNo project (Twilight Falls), but now my muse is sulking. I'm all worried now. A query rejection isn't a problem. They haven't seen the writing. Rejecting the partial is rejecting the story; rejecting without a synopsis is rejecting the writing. :( Is my writing good enough? Too light? Too airy-fairy for the market? Maybe it's unmarketable? Grr. I hate this feeling. I know it only takes one acceptance to make the difference, and the road to that answer is paved in rejection, but still. That's the best partial I can write for GO. If people don't like it, the Monty girls will never see the light of day. :*( I recognize this is probably getting ahead of myself...that's two rejections out of the first four (although I'm not sure the first one went's been almost a month when my previous query to them took a day to come back...will resend on Monday if I haven't heard), and I still have a spreadsheet full of prospective agents.

We had four whole trick-or-treaters yesterday, so now I have a ton of candy to refrain from drowning my sorrows in. I have an apartment in desperate need of cleaning, half a quilt top put together, and no oomph to do any of it with.

Maybe I'll treat myself to a movie...then the hubby can watch The Ring when he gets back and I won't have to make faces at it the whole time. I SHOULD use that time for writing, but...yeah. Gonna be sulky, instead. (Sulking being necessary to grow a thicker skin, yanno.)
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