Whine Whine Whine

Oct 27, 2006 16:42

Yep - another post about how much I hate waiting. I'm coming up on the three week mark for the other half of my queries, and still no word. :( I know one of the agencies has been super busy lately, and the other has been playing the convention circuit. Understandable bits of business, the both of them. Still, aaaaaaantsyyyyyyy! My emailed partial, no problem. It'll surprise me when the reply shows up, for good or ill, and that'll be that. These queries, though...they're driving me nuts!

I also have my two chapters all lined up and ready to send to the requesting agent. I tried to send them yesterday, but the post office was so wacko-busy, it didn't happen. I had every intention of going back after they closed, but then the hubby took the car to do other things. I'm going to have to start walking to the post office, I think. Bleh. I should probably print out my paper queries for the next batch, so they're out. Yeah. Think I'll do that now.

(Apparently, I'm procrastinating. Who'd have thought I'd procrastinate when in the face of edits? :P )
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