Life and living

May 21, 2008 08:20

Life has had it's ups and downs lately. Mostly ups I believe.

I am trying, as always, to move out of my mothers house. At this point, I believe my best option is to rent. This is mainly due to paying off debts, uncertainty about the future and a single income.

Lady Python, The Cub and I looked at a place on Sunday, which was promising. We didn't get it, but we came darn close. Le Sigh.

We are looking for a house, rather than a flat, with a garden that we can plant vegetables in, put the The Baroness in, possibly have a guinea pig, has a powered workshop/garage and a reasonable kitchen. The area's need to be close to my work and close to the corridors leading to The Cubs school. Hears hoping :-D

In other news, The Witch has got hitched. This is a point of both celebration, for the joy she has, and sadness. The sadness is mostly in the form of financial woe. Being married, her government allowance has been canceled and she needs to re-apply as a married woman. This negates her eligibility for parental payment, as The Cub is over 5 years old, which means suddenly finds herself without a means to support herself until her husband's work visa comes through. Thank goodness for her parental support.

If he can't find work here in the land of Oz, they are considering moving to Yankee land. This could be an interesting option, further promoting me to only rent rather than commit myself to owning a place too far away from The Cubs school in the event I become a sole parent for much of the year. We shall see how things eventuate. The Cub will stay in this country as her primary country. This is a statement.

In other news, the big ass client tracking database I have been writing for work has had it's first phase accepted by my peers, which is good. Now to move on to stage two. I have come close to writing most of the Volunteer manuals etc, and I have a client too. Work = good.

Catch you all around.


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