I'm slowly becoming vegetarian (I have been in the past but end up falling off the wagon, so to speak) and eventually I would like to become vegan. I have noticed a lot of products out there mention that they don't contain soy - forever I was under the impression that soy is a good thing, such as tofu, but I'm starting to find out that its not.
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unless you have a medical issue, soy itself isn't so much the problem, it tends to be quantity. i like to think if it as the skinny bitch issue [well, one of them]. so many people, when going veg, start to replace everything with subs. so you'll be drinking your soy milk while you are eating your soy burger that is topped with soy cheese, soy mayo, soy bacon on your soy bun and having soy crisps on the side. and it isn't that any one of these are a huge issue, it's just that all together, soy isn't great enough that it should be replacing everything in your diet. in other words it's not such a good food that you should eat only that [there isn't any food that should be totally dominating your diet, be it soy, carrots, or broccoli - you need variety to get various nutrients] nor is a poor enough choice that you should be avoiding it [again, barring medical issues]. it's just that when you include so much soy in your diet, you essentially muscle out the variety of foods that you need. and since soy is such a great filler, it ends up in many things and unless you're avoiding it, you're probably getting in more than you know in the first place.
so it's just a pay attention thing imo. if all of the soy you are getting is from soy milk or tofu and you're only having a serving or two a day, that's a non-issue. if you take a look and find you're getting ten servings a day, everyday, you probably want to cut back and rotate in the soymilk, but reduce your total consumption by mostly switching. it's mostly about what you eat and where you are.
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