Mar 10, 2009 08:05
Mark asked me to put up this recipe after I described it over the phone to him last night. It's dead simple, but can be considered towards the fancy food end of the spectrum, thus making it awesome.
Cabonara is traditionally based on eggs, bacon and cheese (or cream), so how on earth does one make a vegan version? This is an attempt at a vegan version of it.
Stuff you need:
* Garlic to taste. If you are me, that means lots
* Finely chopped white onion
* Few tablespoons of olive oil
* Button mushrooms sliced
* Semi sundried tomatoes cut into strips
* Long pasta of your choosing, though I quite like spinach fettuccine with this dish
* Canellinni beans- a tin, drained
* Fresh pepper and sea salt
* Soya milk
Stuff to do:
* Blend tin of canellinni beans until smooth. You may have to add a small amount of soya milk to get a nice consistency.
* Fry the onion and garlic in the olive oil. Add the mushrooms and sautee lightly until mostly cooked, then add in the semi sundried tomatoes.
* Add in the blended beans and freshly cracked pepper and salt to taste. You may need to add more soya milk as well.
* Toss the mixture through spinach fettuccine and serve.
Some other thoughts:
* This really is a "cook by feel" recipe, it might take you awhile to get the proportions right, but just remember you can cook off too much liquid
* Wholewheat spaghetti also works well for this dish
* Some chopped fresh basil can be added with the tomatoes if desired
* Most semi sundried tomatoes come in oil, use some of this oil instead of plain olive oil to fry the onions for a richer flavour