Mar 26, 2003 08:24
Because I know that there are a number of academics, graduate students, and potential graduate students out there in LJ land.
For the love of God, when you have to present a paper in a workshop or seminar series or conference, READ IT THROUGH FIRST OUT LOUD so that you know how long it is. If the organizers tell you that you only have half an hour, do not turn up with 50 minutes worth of text. I don't care how fabulous your work is or how famous (or inexperienced) you are.
If possible, lift your eyes from the page and try not to deliver the paper in a monotone, but if nothing else, don't go over time.
This message brought to you by Vanzetti, who had to sit through just such a 50 minute paper yesterday, along with the monotone, and wonders if no one bothers to tell graduate students these things.