Characters: Yukari and everyone
Location: The new beach/possibly various new areas~
Time: Slightly backdated, the 24th! c: Day...time...?
Style: Anything goes.
Status: OPEN. <3
[Well. It's better late than never, isn't it?
It'd been a few days now since Yukari's birthday had passed on the nineteenth, and thanks to the kraken, she'd had to delay her plans
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Eventually he decided to throw caution to the wind and go to this "birthday party" he'd been invited to, despite the very loud, very persuasive voice in the back of his head practically shrieking not to go because it would end badly. Because although people here certainly seemed to be a bit...different than the usual individuals in Gotham, so far the general unease and dude-you-look-like-a-slasher-villain anxiety was still common enough. Hopefully ( ... )
[He thinks she gave him heart attacks? She's just about read to have one herself, with him suddenly sneaking up on her like that. But then again, she was so absorbed in the scenery, there's...pretty much no greeting that would've avoided that kind of reaction.
...She kind of realizes this, so she takes a few deep breaths and tries to calm down, studying him.
Why is he wearing that mask...?]
H-Hello. Um, no, you're fine, I...I was just going to clean up a bit before people start coming.
[...She wishes she had the other SEES members with her at the moment, but. Welp. She's just going to have to take care of herself.]
[Well it's not like he has present to give her. Or would know what to get her without some seriously intrusive mind reading. Helping her get everything cleaned up is probably the next best thing, right?]
Where is Yukari? Oh, she's around. Exploring. She'll probably find you, but in the meantime--hey, is that a person you don't know? Or maybe you do know them--why don't you say hello?]
(( OOC: Feel free to tag around here, guys! <3 ))
One step at a time. Such as wishing the birthday girl a 'happy birthday', and then...something.]
Hey, are you okay?
Oh, yes, I am.
Don't worry, Yukari! She hasn't forgotten it's your birthday. There's a big batch of reasonably edible chocolate cookies and a handmade birthday card waiting for her on the beach that says:
I totally don't know you, but I hope your birthday is awesome!
Selphie xo
At least he had the sense to wear something more practical for the beach. Instead of wearing his usual armour, he was wearing a shirt and shorts, but he couldn't quite bring himself to leave his sword back in his room underwater. Who knows what could attack them out here?
That was Selphie out there, wasn't it? He gave her a small wave from the beach, but he wasn't sure if she'd be able to see.
... She did make going out in the water look awfully fun, though.
Yeah, she was just a little too busy waving to pay attention to how she was standing, and she flopped suddenly beneath the water. She was in more shallow water, thankfully, and she soon emerged in fits of laughter.
And gosh, there sure seems to be a lot of it. Whoops?]
too much of it? NGL PROBABLY NOT FOR LONG WITH THIS GUY AROUND - in fact if you've been watching you'll notice he's already eaten about twelve of those cupcakes, and is currently licking the icing of the last off his fingers.
it's probably a good thing that the cake's missing right now, so he can't get into it. he's not very happy about that fact himself, and has ceded himself to simply waiting here for it-
-waiting by sitting on the table and continuously treating himself to anything containing sugar in sight. ]
Well. At the very least, she doesn't have to worry about wasting any food. Yukari's just...gonna stare for a bit at this guy while he stuffs his face. She's fairly certain she's never met him before, or even seen him around for that matter...but either way, she doesn't want to be rude.
So when she catches herself staring, she grabs one of the few remaining cupcakes for herself, sparing him only the casual, occasional glance.
What should she even say...?]
-until she takes a cupcake anyway. then he suddenly acknowledges her, leaning over to exhibit a heavily frosted cupcake from seemingly out of nowhere to her. ]
The vanilla ones are better, you know.
[ in a motion of what seemed to be an offer to her, he just as quickly retracts his hand and pops the entire cupcake in his mouth, paper and all.
god this stuff is good. ]
Most people have left now, and though some nice folk seem to have stuck around to clean up after themselves, it's mostly just Yukari, waiting to be the last one to leave. She's sitting in the sand, and staring as the waves crash in and then flows back out again.
Haha. It looks like she might need another jolt back into reality, but--
She is smiling, and seems oddly content.
How long has it been, since she's had a view like this?]
It's quiet now, and he seizes his chance, walking up with his hands in his pockets, ribs healing up nicely already from the kraken attack.]
[Well, that voice is sufficient enough to break her from her trance, certainly. Yukari turns to face him quickly; a surprised expression at first, but it slowly fades into a smile.
The surprise is a pleasant one.]
Hey, Minato-kun. [Heh.] And here I was thinking you might've left already.
...Ah, no. I never got to say happy birthday, after all.
[And then he pulls a small wrapped gift from his pocket, offering it to her.]
Happy birthday.
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