Snow dog~

Sep 20, 2011 14:48

Characters: marauderinggrim and OPEN
Location: The park~
Time: Afternoon
Style: Whatever~
Status: OPEN THING HERE ( Read more... )

sirius black

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Comments 48

hexywitch September 20 2011, 23:27:17 UTC
If you're trying to get away from James and Lily, then you're not in luck, today, Padfoot. Lily's out for a walk in the park as well, the snow making her think of Hogsmeade and making her miss home quite a bit ( ... )


marauderinggrim September 21 2011, 13:10:07 UTC
Sirius' head poked out of the most recent snow drift he'd jumped into and looked over to Lily. With a smile he clambered out of it and trotted over, his spirits much higher than they had been when he arrived. When he was almost there, he changed back, his hair wet from snow much like his fur had been.

"Lils! Hey there. Come to romp in the snow as well? It's cold, but it feels good."


hexywitch September 21 2011, 15:06:11 UTC
Lily laughed, taking a few steps forward to meet him.

"I came to walk in the snow, but a romp does sound like much more fun."

She threaded her arm through his and started walking with him through the snow.

I quite enjoyed just watching you play."


marauderinggrim September 22 2011, 20:55:59 UTC
He laughed and shook his head a little.

"It's just a nice way to get out a bit. Be a bit more active, you know?"

He kept the comment about being happy for Lily being happy to himself. It was a nice thing to see her smile again.

"So, where are we walking?"


ninthserenade September 20 2011, 23:32:48 UTC

It's a big black dog.

After he watches this big fluffy creature bounce around in the snow for awhile, Demyx kneels down and pats his knees with a grin.]

Here, boy!


marauderinggrim September 21 2011, 13:11:43 UTC
[Sirius' ears perked when he heard the voice. Turning, he trotted over to the man, tail wagging.]


ninthserenade September 21 2011, 22:28:46 UTC
[Here, have a friendly scratch behind the ear. The dog seemed friendly enough.]

You havin' fun in the snow?


marauderinggrim September 22 2011, 20:57:20 UTC
[Sirius leaned into the scratch. It always felt a lot better than he expected. At the question Sirius looked up and wagged his tail, giving a little yip in reply.]


gotapoint September 21 2011, 04:48:28 UTC
[... leave it to an animal to do something suitably silly and adorable enough to brighten a bad day. Natsumi snuggles a little more securely into her coat and watches the great black beast bound around in the snow for a long minute or two before she whistles -- rather poorly, actually -- for his attention, giggling a little.]

Look at you! You don't need anybody to make things exciting for you, huh?


marauderinggrim September 21 2011, 13:16:25 UTC
[Sirius stopped his frolicking and looked over, wagging. He didn't know her, but, she seemed nice, so he trotted over and sat near her, still wagging away his happiness.]


gotapoint September 22 2011, 04:18:08 UTC
[Well, at least he seems as friendly as he looks. There's a pause before she pulls a hand out of her coat pocket, extending it for him to smell if he'd like rather than going ahead and petting him.]

It must be nice.


marauderinggrim September 22 2011, 20:58:59 UTC
[He sniffed her hand, curious, but, also knowing it's what she expected. However, at the 'it must be nice' comment, he gave her a confused look, cocking his head to the side.

What did she mean by that?]


wistfulsmile September 21 2011, 18:32:29 UTC
Though Sakura had been surprised enough at the snow in the bubble - how did it even happen this far away from the sky? - she was even more surprised to see a dog leaping about in the snow.

Swallowing back a twinge of wariness, Sakura knelt down to pick up a stick, then whistled. Maybe it would like to play fetch?


marauderinggrim September 22 2011, 21:01:25 UTC
Padfoot glanced over at the sound of the whistle and looked at the girl. Fetch was an interesting game. He could see the appeal from a dogs perspective, and, while it might have been an odd thing for a human to find enjoyable, he actually liked it as well.

coming closer to her, he stopped and wagged his tail, tense and waiting for her to throw it.


wistfulsmile September 23 2011, 03:16:49 UTC
Giggling, Sakura tossed the stick a few yards away. "Go on, go fetch!"


marauderinggrim September 28 2011, 18:58:10 UTC
Padfoot darted out after the stick, picking it up from the snow in his mouth and trotting over to meet her again quickly.


singularjustice September 22 2011, 14:04:11 UTC
A green-haired boy paused when he saw the dog. He watched for a moment, studying Padfoot with a mixture of curiosity and seriousness, until the bundle of blanket in his arms gave a whine.

"We're just going to check on him, okay? And then you can get warm," N murmured to the puppy, before tucking the blanket tighter around him and trudging over towards Padfoot.

"Hi there! Are you okay?" He seemed to be, as he was just playing, but N had to check with the weather getting so bad.


marauderinggrim September 22 2011, 21:04:25 UTC
Padfoot stopped his playing when the boy approached, curious of question. Didn't he seem okay? Maybe that wasn't what he meant. Still, before Padfoot decided on a way to communicate to him, he noticed an interesting smell in the air and came closer to sniff at the bundle in N's arms.


singularjustice September 25 2011, 19:40:36 UTC
"It's a little one," N said, moving the blanket enough so that the puppy could stick its nose out. "She's not as big as you, and so the cold got to her pretty quick."

He rubs her ears, both out of affection and to warm them. "I just wanted to make sure you have a warm place to go back to."


marauderinggrim September 28 2011, 19:05:57 UTC
Padfoot sniffed the little nose and gave it a quick and gentle lick before nodding to N, hoping that would be convincing enough. He could always go home if he needed to.


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