Snow dog~

Sep 20, 2011 14:48

Characters: marauderinggrim and OPEN
Location: The park~
Time: Afternoon
Style: Whatever~
Status: OPEN THING HERE ( Read more... )

sirius black

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singularjustice September 22 2011, 14:04:11 UTC
A green-haired boy paused when he saw the dog. He watched for a moment, studying Padfoot with a mixture of curiosity and seriousness, until the bundle of blanket in his arms gave a whine.

"We're just going to check on him, okay? And then you can get warm," N murmured to the puppy, before tucking the blanket tighter around him and trudging over towards Padfoot.

"Hi there! Are you okay?" He seemed to be, as he was just playing, but N had to check with the weather getting so bad.


marauderinggrim September 22 2011, 21:04:25 UTC
Padfoot stopped his playing when the boy approached, curious of question. Didn't he seem okay? Maybe that wasn't what he meant. Still, before Padfoot decided on a way to communicate to him, he noticed an interesting smell in the air and came closer to sniff at the bundle in N's arms.


singularjustice September 25 2011, 19:40:36 UTC
"It's a little one," N said, moving the blanket enough so that the puppy could stick its nose out. "She's not as big as you, and so the cold got to her pretty quick."

He rubs her ears, both out of affection and to warm them. "I just wanted to make sure you have a warm place to go back to."


marauderinggrim September 28 2011, 19:05:57 UTC
Padfoot sniffed the little nose and gave it a quick and gentle lick before nodding to N, hoping that would be convincing enough. He could always go home if he needed to.


singularjustice September 29 2011, 04:41:34 UTC
The puppy squirmed and made a soft yip in return. N smiled brightly, reaching out to pet Padfoot's head gently.

"All right! I was just checking. I hope you have fun."


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