Going home is the hardest part.

Aug 24, 2011 21:21

Characters: marauderinggrim and YOU~~
Location: Plaza
Time: Early morning
Style: Action, please.
Status: OPEN like the open thing it is.

Wet, cold, and exhausted. This was not a new thing for Sirius, but, it was something he hadn't felt in a long time. Nearly eight months if his math was right. Still, the minute he opened his eyes and felt the wet clothes ( Read more... )

sirius black, mouri shin

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marauderinggrim August 25 2011, 17:12:46 UTC
Sirius looked up at the sound of Claire's voice and smiled at her. Deciding it was probably rude to remain sitting, he made an effort to stand, though, it was a lot harder than it should've been; he was far more tired than he'd like to admit.

"Hey, there, princess. You all right?" He hoped she hadn't gotten hurt after she and James, supposedly, made their escape.


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marauderinggrim August 25 2011, 20:06:26 UTC
He shrugged, though, he was glad he'd found some semblance of balance. How embarrassing would it have been to fall into the fountain while he was talking to Claire?

"...Don't worry about it. Clearly, it wasn't a permanent thing anyway. Besides, it wasn't your fault Claire, I just got a bit overconfident; should've made sure the bloody thing was actually down before turning my back on it."


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marauderinggrim August 26 2011, 23:17:04 UTC
He grins but waves away the statement as if trying to make it less of a big deal. "Yeah? Maybe. Bet they've been fine, though, I mean, one less annoying dog around, right?" He paused...thinking over what he'd just said. That might not make any sense to her since she didn't know about him and James; he was just so used to everyone he knew knowing already. "Sorry, that probably sounded a little loony."


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marauderinggrim August 27 2011, 05:05:08 UTC
He laughed. Glad things were turning at least a little less serious. "I'd imagine so, yeah. It's not exactly the most pleasant of things, but, hey, what you can walk away from, right?"


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marauderinggrim August 28 2011, 15:37:10 UTC
He laughed. "Oh good. I'll remember that the next time I die. Probably can't be all bad, either; you at least know what to expect." Joking might not have been healthy, but, it was making him feel a little better in general.


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