Going home is the hardest part.

Aug 24, 2011 21:21

Characters: marauderinggrim and YOU~~
Location: Plaza
Time: Early morning
Style: Action, please.
Status: OPEN like the open thing it is.

Wet, cold, and exhausted. This was not a new thing for Sirius, but, it was something he hadn't felt in a long time. Nearly eight months if his math was right. Still, the minute he opened his eyes and felt the wet clothes ( Read more... )

sirius black, mouri shin

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Comments 94

hexywitch August 25 2011, 02:46:18 UTC
Lily apparently wandered through the Plaza often, and was out looking for Remus. James had been fairly locked in their room for the past five days, but she hadn't seen Remus or Shin at all for longer than was strictly comfortable. Shin, she understood, as they still didn't know one another very well, and it seemed as though Shin had been giving the rest of them time to mourn. Remus, however...that was unsettling. He wasn't the type to wander off without letting anyone know where he was going. Especially now, when he knew she and James would worry.

She searched the plaza, hoping to spot him, but instead, she spotted something else familiar. A mop of dark hair, and the boy attached to it. People had told her that when people died they always came back, but having never seen it happen before herself, she was more than a little bit skeptical. But...there he was. Whole and unbroken and by the slight movement of his shoulders, breathingForgetting completely about Remus, she called out his name, running straight for him, tears gathering in ( ... )


marauderinggrim August 25 2011, 17:09:30 UTC
Sirius looked up, tiredly, but, smiled when he saw who it was. He went to stand up but only got so far as to sit on the edge of the fountain; he was exhausted.

"Hey, there, Lils. Miss me?"


hexywitch August 25 2011, 18:55:53 UTC
Lily just laughed, because that may have been the hugest understatement she'd ever heard. She didn't slow down when she reached him, placing shaking hands on either side of his face and pressing her lips to his desperately, so overwhelmingly happy that he's alive.


marauderinggrim August 25 2011, 20:00:28 UTC
Whoa. Ok, he hadn't been expecting that. He freezes for a moment before he wraps his arms around her in a hug, trying his best to avoid kissing her back. First of all, she was dating his best mate, second of all, he was taken, but, he tried to keep in mind it was more than likely just a really strong 'hello'.


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marauderinggrim August 25 2011, 17:12:46 UTC
Sirius looked up at the sound of Claire's voice and smiled at her. Deciding it was probably rude to remain sitting, he made an effort to stand, though, it was a lot harder than it should've been; he was far more tired than he'd like to admit.

"Hey, there, princess. You all right?" He hoped she hadn't gotten hurt after she and James, supposedly, made their escape.


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marauderinggrim August 25 2011, 20:06:26 UTC
He shrugged, though, he was glad he'd found some semblance of balance. How embarrassing would it have been to fall into the fountain while he was talking to Claire?

"...Don't worry about it. Clearly, it wasn't a permanent thing anyway. Besides, it wasn't your fault Claire, I just got a bit overconfident; should've made sure the bloody thing was actually down before turning my back on it."


shounenphelps August 30 2011, 05:27:53 UTC
The only reason that Shin didn't hear Sirius shout at James was because he'd been showering. As he dressed, he did hear muffled voices in conversation, but didn't get any sense that he needed to interrupt.

Instead, he toweled off his hair and sat down on his bed facing away from the door. He picked up the carved whale he'd commissioned awhile back, looking at it wistfully as he remembered the origin of Sirius's private nickname for him - Dol, from Dolphin

The mood had been absolutely stifling lately, but he'd never been asked to leave. So he waited for Sirius's return with that lingering hope it would happen any day now, so long as he kept making offerings and prayers to Lamufao. It'd worked before; it would work again. It was what kept him going, rather than becoming a depressed hermit like James had.


marauderinggrim August 30 2011, 05:35:12 UTC
After Sirius had had his reunion with James, he knew there was still one other person he needed to see before he could collapse on anything that remotely resembled a bed. Carefully, he knocked on the door to the room he shared with Shin and held his breath, hoping the other boy was in there and fairing....at least a little bit better than James apparently had been.


1/2 shounenphelps August 30 2011, 05:38:42 UTC
Of all people to enter without permission or so much as a greeting, Shin expected maybe James had come out of his slump. Lily would never, and Remus was MIA. So naturally Shin was completely shocked when he rotated his upper body only to find Sirius instead, looking very much alive.


2/2 shounenphelps August 30 2011, 05:40:33 UTC
More than a few things raced through his mind in that moment, but the first thing out of his mouth was: "Does James know?"

He was barely containing how happy, how relieved he was in that simple question.


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