marauderinggrim and YOU~~
Location: Plaza
Time: Early morning
Style: Action, please.
Status: OPEN like the open thing it is.
Wet, cold, and exhausted. This was not a new thing for Sirius, but, it was something he hadn't felt in a long time. Nearly eight months if his math was right. Still, the minute he opened his eyes and felt the wet clothes clinging to his skin he knew what had happened and the memories came, painfully, back to him.
Dying hadn't been what he'd expected it to be, not that he'd had any real clue of what to expect, but, he'd certainly thought it would involve less pain. Of course, he'd also never thought he'd go by way of fish-zombie claws, either. The not being able to breathe part had probably been the worst, but, once he'd lost the fight it had been pretty easy to just slip away into the nothingness.
A little too easy. He'd thought fighting death would be something he could handle if James or Shin were there to motivate him, but, they'd been there, either physically or in his mind, and it had done nothing to delay his end. It had been disturbing.
Staggering slowly to the fountain, Sirius sat on the cobblestones of the plaza and leaned against the fountain, bringing his knees up to his chest so he could lay his head on them.
A little rest and he'd be able to face going home...