Jun 27, 2008 01:12

One of my RL friend-colleague suggested that I send this out to far and sundry, so here it is:

These are all sample logos for CrisisLink's youth outreach program, soon to hit the streets. CrisisLink is a crisis-and-resource hotline centered in N. Virginia, and a cause very near and dear to my heart, as I've spent countless hours filing, proofing newsletters, licking stamps, painting walls, bringing coffee to the operators, and just generally being a helpful nuisance to everyone. We are in desperate need of feedback for these, as we've kind of reached an impass; we're holding back the presses so far, but they're definately chomping at the bit. So, my lovely f-list, here is your mission, if you choose to accept it (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do):

Which of these logos would most inspire you to call / volunteer? Which is your favorite?

ETA: Thanks, all!

real life

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