meme: sexy women

Jul 01, 2008 04:59

From molly-commas (I'm starting to notice a pattern here):


1. Compose a list of your top ten sexiest famous women.
2. Collect one picture of each woman on your list.
3. Post them in your journal/blog.
4. Tag 3 people to do the same.

Apparently, I have pretty conventional taste, a fondness for certain characters the actresses play more than others, and a thing for hips & strong cheekbones. Yayz.

1. Eve Myles
Confession time: I have a huge crush on Eve Myles, practically from the first episode. She's one of those rare people that manage to be cute and lovely at the same time, and as an actress she's not half-bad. (Her accent is so great; she makes me want to be Welsh.)

2. Helena Bonham Carter
Especially her frizzier-haired incarnations. I mean, HBC-Bellatrix: CRAZY sexy (and, of course, just plain crazy).

3. Queen Latifah
Not only is she beautiful - in a very friendly, nice kind of way - and a good actress, QL is probably the person on this list I'd most want to be friends with. She seems pretty cool, approachable and proud and interesting. (Though why does she look so orange in this picture? *grumbles* )

4. Angelina Jo.lie
Do I even need to explain this one?

5. Zhang Ziyi
Or, "the reason why I spent most of Memoirs of a Geisha grinning like a stunned duck." Someone once said that Asian women are the most naturally beautiful women in the world, and if Ziyi's any example, I'd have to agree!

6. Keira Knightley
Knightley was among my first few celebrity crushes. Lately, she's gotten a bit skeletal skinny for my tastes, but she's still quite beautiful. For instance: those eyes...

7. Olivia Wilde
Let's just get this out here, once and for all: I don't like Thirteen. Though I would happily listen to Wilde reading through the phonebook, I also think that during her time on House, she's done her best to voice no emotion besides shock and a flat sort of contempt. Thirteen's eye candy, plain and simple. But I never said she wasn't effective eye candy. Because she is. She's so beautiful it's scary.

8. Beyonce Knowles
Mmm. Hips. ♥

9. Catherine Zeta Jones
After I saw Chicago for the first time, I dragged my best friend over and made her watch it. First words out of her mouth? "Who is that?"
"Catherine Zeta-Jones," I replied, too enraptured to look away.
"...Oh. Wow."

10. Naomi Campbell
So she's apparently an airhead, and stars in really bad movies. Not so great. But she's gorgeous. That sort of makes up for it, right?

Tagging: can I pull a molly-commas and tag everyone-and-anyone? (I mean, I think everyone is already compiling one of these.)

ETA: I just realized: out of a ten-person sexy!list, two starred in Chicago. Huh. This probably tells you what I thought of the movie.


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