It sucks to be me

Jun 19, 2012 20:13

I have until Thursday to get the FPL bill paid. Loaned money to J last week, thought I'd have it back this week, but no, so sorry, it'll be next week due to some computer glitch with her check. (Start juggling!)

That's only the tip of the iceberg of suckitude, though---

Headed down to my mailbox this afternoon only to find a "boil water" alert hanging from my door. I haven't set foot outside since I returned on Saturday, so god only knows how long it's been hanging there! Next stop, amoebic dysentery.

Got a notice about my driver's license renewal---if half the horror stories I hear about the process are true, it may take me til September to organize it all.

Got a summons for jury duty next month...which might be good for a few dollars, IF they actually need me. Last time, I had to check in by phone and never got the word to report.

Called GK to confirm various events for the coming weekend and found out that her grandmother, who is the closest thing to a grandparent I've ever had, passed away last night. She was 98, and while we thought she was going to make it to 100, it was not to be. I'll memorialize her in a separate post, but this definitely caps the list of things that make this a very bad, no good day.


r.i.p., money, gk, oh shit

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