Home, yay! /sarcasm

Jun 18, 2012 14:34

I love Mb, really I do. *And* her glorious a/c. I've even fallen for one of her tiny little adorable kittens, me, the NOT-a-cat-person. However, she has this bizarre notion that LJ made her former computer catch fire, so I am forbidden from accessing it on her current computer. (I'd use mine, but her wireless is fubar and she doesn't care about fixing it.) I've missed youse guys.

Tried Burger King's new bacon sundae, OMG, much nommynomnom! Salty-sweet fans, rejoice! Mb, who turned me on to salted caramel, says it would be better with more caramel and less hot fudge, which I agree would also be good. Either way, much yumminess!

Had canasta night at J's with Mb and J's BFF. Good times! Plus, J has wireless, so I got to catch up with some LJ, update my apps, the usual. OTOH, J has only extreme basic cable, while Mb has the full-on digital package. But they both have AIR.

GK will be here Thursday, woohoo. Friday is the memorial service for Bryan and the reunion. I need to go through my clothes and figure out what I want tailoring help with. Am probably going to drop out of the ovrnight trip to Savannah for money reasons. As much as I'd like to get away with GK, I don't have money for restaurant eating unless it's very fast food.

I discovered to my absolute horror that I inadvertantly paid FPL via a bank account that was closed last year. So while I was off at Mb's, blithely thinking everything was taken care of, it's not, and now they've tacked on yet another fee and I still have to pay it. I am SO fucked. *headdesk*

Time to dust off the resume again. I've got a few leads. Knock wood one of them will have me.


canasta, technical difficulties, money, food

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