It sucks to be me

Jun 19, 2012 20:13

I have until Thursday to get the FPL bill paid. Loaned money to J last week, thought I'd have it back this week, but no, so sorry, it'll be next week due to some computer glitch with her check. (Start juggling ( Read more... )

r.i.p., money, gk, oh shit

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Comments 7

pwcorgigirl June 20 2012, 02:20:59 UTC
I am so sorry on all counts, babe. *hugs* The only up side to this is that if you're not sick already from the water, then you'll probably be okay.


vanillafluffy June 20 2012, 13:59:25 UTC
Stressed is desserts spelled backward---is it any wonder I'm craving chocolate?! Anyway, I got my battry charged a little bit ago, and in a while I'll go grab some groceries, give FPL some money, and look forward to Friday.



strangevisitor7 June 20 2012, 12:06:11 UTC
*HUGS* That is a hell of a day! *hugs again*


vanillafluffy June 20 2012, 13:54:35 UTC
It was. I'm really hoping today will be better!



ang5fam June 20 2012, 13:24:14 UTC
I got my license renewal thing as well. Seems like they want everything except my first born!
Luckily, I have a passport and all of the other things~ just a royal pain in the butt.
I haven't had to renew in many, many years. They just kept sending me a new sticker since I am a safe driver. Boo!


vanillafluffy June 20 2012, 13:53:26 UTC
I did safe driver renewals for almost 20 years with my old license, the one with the *good* picture. The one I have now replaced it in 2005, so it's been a little while.



starhawk2005 June 20 2012, 19:14:53 UTC
*hugs you* I'm SO sorry, hon. :((((


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